A + Q

707 33 4

Tegan's P.O.V
May 2013


"Dear me,

Luckily, school ended a week after Romeo k*ssed me. I didn't tell anyone. If anything, I've done my best to suppress the memory. It happened so quickly, sometimes I'm able to convince myself it didn't even happen.

After school ended, Eleanor took me on a trip to see the boys's concert in Spain. I feel guilty, but I was relieved that Adelaide didn't come. Instead, she visited her sister.

We went to both their concerts in Barcelona and Madrid. Barcelona was incredible and now I understand why everyone is writing songs about it.

Eleanor and I visited a market and fountain park while we weren't at their concerts. During one of the nights we stayed in their tour bus.

Harry painted my finger nails pink for me. When I asked his interest, he confessed, "I can't paint them for myself without the media erupting."

That made me sad, so I promised he could paint my finger nails whenever he wanted.

It was lovely to visit them.

When I begin to add everything up, I start to realize maybe having a love for them isn't wrong. Maybe it's okay for me to love them.

I don't understand why none of them have addressed it though. I know they heard me. Maybe they want to forget it happened? Maybe they did forget? Maybe they didn't care.

They're filming for a documentary. I've been filmed, but who knows if my appearance will make it through the cuts.

This is TJS"


"Dear me,

Adelaide has a boyfriend.

Adelaide has a short, skinny boyfriend named Q, who works in a market. He has come to the penthouse and eaten supper with us. He is polite, yet somehow bland. Truly the most interesting thing about him is the fact he works in a market.

I like him because he brings me jam from the market and I eat it with biscuits. Biscuits have been my addiction so far this summer.

I've also began singing and playing my keyboard. I've tried scribbling some lyrics down in my notebook, but it doesn't seem right.

I'm not a writer.

My English teacher always complimented my school writing, but I didn't understand her praise.

I've scribbled some ideas about Oliver and Romeo, even the boys.

Anyways, Nathan and I have been texting. He's a good friend. We're going to get pizza with Adelaide and Q tomorrow.



I added this chapter into the book May 14th 2020.

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