Kwismos Special ~ AAAAAY IT'S REBECCA!

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Special Character: @Sneakers107


"Owl Rage: ACTIVATE!" Gracie cheered.

"Oh, don't worry, I've sent a couple Screech Owls to hunt him down and severely wound him."

Everyone stared, and Alex even dived behind a rock to hide.

"Wait, Alex?"

"Oh, yeah, I'm the special guest, I can't be harmed. HAAAAIIII!!"

"Ok, who are you stealing this time?"

"Hmm..." Alex closed her eyes, and spun around, falling over the rock behind her.

"Ow! Erm, this one!"

"Um... That's a tree..." Hazel noted.

"Oh, really? Ok, um... THIS ONE!"

Rebecca gasped. "MEEEEE!!!"

"WOO! Now, lezgo!"

~Let's do the time warp again!!!!~

"Um... Is the tutu necessary?"

"Absolutely." Alex said, wearing her normal attire.

"Dang it."

"How long do you think it'll take for her to lose balance?" Abby asked, the rest of the demigods munching on popcorn.

"Hm... Well, she's a klutz, but also a Poseidon kid... Ten minutes?"

Alex and Rebecca were in the middle of an ice-rink, having a few practice skates, (Rebecca in a fabulous pink tutu.)

"RIGHT! So, the challenge is: Complete this super simple obstacle course on the ice!" Alex said, and pressed a button.

The rink shook, and out burst monkey bars, giant boxing gloves, flaming hoops, and sharp icicles closely packed together.

"Um... is that a golden cheesecake at the end?"

"Of course! Is there any prize better? NOW MOVE IT, SERGEANT!"

Alex pressed another button, and five hellhounds burst through the wall behind them.


She furiously skated to the monkey bars, and jumped up to the first bar. Just in time, for the floor had turned to lava.

"Classic." Percy muttered, munching on blue jelly-beans.

Rebecca quickly shuffled across the bars, and met her next obstacle: FISTSSSSSSSSSSSSS

Zipping in as quick as possible, she barely went past the first fist before-






"Ooo! Agh! Errr!" the audience complied. "That's gonna leave a mark."

After ten minutes of being pounded by fists, Rebecca emerged on the other side.

"I... just need... to have... a... *huff*..." She panted


"Pillion this podex I'm out!"

She whizzed towards the floating hoops, which were hovering over boiling hot cheese fondue pits.

"DON'T ASK, JUST DO IT!" Alex cried.

Shia Le Bouf skated into the scene.


And then he pirouetted out.

Rebecca narrowed her eyes, focusing... waiting...

She leapt, the ice turning into water and boosting her through the ring of hoops. Everyone applauded, Percy cheering at his sister-


Right into an icicle.

"Oooooooh, that's cold, ice cold!"

"STOP IT DRAKE!" Alex growled at the speakers.

Rebecca slid down like in the cartoons. "Owie, owie, owie."

The hell-hounds soared through the hoops, and landed with a thud close behind Rebecca.

"Ok, Ok, sheesh! Calm down!"

Rebecca started to shuffle precariously through the intricate spikes, but as soon as she got halfway through, and into a clearing, a hellhound pounced onto her.

And licked her face... A lot...

"Wait... Flopsy!" Rebecca giggled, and the other four hellhounds rolled around with Rebecca, making adorable little whimpers and barks.

"AWWW! Can we get one, Leo?"

"What do you mean? We have one in the Amphitheater, it's a bit hard to miss!"

"Oh yeah..."

Meanwhile, Rebecca had successfully made an ice-sled, and used water harnesses to connect the five hell-hounds, sticking a giant tomato on one the front one. No idea where she got THAT from, so lets just roll with it.


The hell-hounds smashed through the icicles with the sass overload of a moody Jasmine-


-and the ice burst as they approached. They slid to a stop, Rebecca reaching out to grab the cheesecake, but-

"WOW! You actually made it through without getting dipped in hot fondue or anything! Well, I guess I have to go now... SEE YOU SOON!"

And with a click of her fingers, twelve demigods and five hell-hounds were magically teleported right above the lake.

"Oh crud." Frank muttered, before taking an unintentional swim.

"So-" Abby spluttered. "What are we gonna do with these guys?" She gestured to the hell-hounds who were trying to paddle towards Rebecca.

"Erm... let's just let her deal with it."


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