Chapter 17

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Melody's P.O.V

The next day was school. School! Yay! Not. Please, I hate school.

So, the guys basically live here now. I mean most of their parents are either business people who go on business trips all year or work their butts off to provide for their family and are never home. Apparently, they like staying here because they like to annoy me.

I walked over to my closet and pulled out a black, leather skirt, a plain pink tank top, black flats and some accessories.

I curled my hair and put it in a high ponytail. It looked cute. As for makeup, mascara and lip gloss. Yup natural today.

I ran downstairs and smelled something heavenly. Pancakes! I ran towards the kitchen and pushed everyone out of the way. And when I say push I mean shoved them to the point where they fell. Oops!

I entered the kitchen, dropped my bag and lunged for the stove. There, I saw Michael making chocolate ship pancakes. Oh. My. God.

"PANCAKES!" I shrieked.

I guess Michael didn't realize I was beside him because he jumped and screamed. I laughed and looked at the delicious food. I'm in love with pancakes. My mouth watered as I watched them cook.

"Jesus women! You sure do love your pancakes!" Justin says and walks into the kitchen.

He was scratching the back of his neck as well as the other jerks. Oops guess I pushed them way to hard!

"Sorry," I say.

I walked over and got a plate. I got 3 pancakes because Michael said I needed to save some for everyone. Whatever!

I put maple syrup on my pancakes and ate them all up in 7 minutes. As you can tell, I really do love pancakes.

I sat quietly while I watched the jerks eat. Justin was sitting beside me and I looked at the corner of my eye and saw he had one pancake left. And he was talking to Jackson. Score.

I smirked evilly. Dylan noticed and raised and eyebrow. He was sitting in front of me. I put my index finger to my lips, indicating for him to shut up, and he grinned.

I slyly grabbed Justin's pancake and Dylan laughed then quickly covered his mouth. I glared at him and Justin turned to look at him. Oh no. Justin looked at me and saw the pancake in my hand. Then he looked at his plate and realized what I did.

I jumped out of my seat and stuffed the pancake in my mouth then laughed and ran out the door.

"MELODY PEERS!"Justin voice boomed.

I kept running and suddenly I felt my feet rising from the ground and into someone's arms.

It was Justin.


He set me down but kept a firm grip on my waist and I held his neck. Oh god. I wasn't going to show him fear though.

I grinned. And be smirked evilly.

"You stole my pancake, Beauty," he says.

"Yes I did," I say.

"You won't get away it," he says huskily. I shiver.

"Mmmm I think I already did," I say pointing to my mouth.

"So I guess you have to be punished, right?" He says. I shake my head. He laughs.

"Oh yes," he says and crashes his lips on mine. I was startled for a moment but kissed him back. At first I thought it was just a small and short kiss. But boy was I wrong. It turned into a full out makeout session.

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