Chapter 2- Reflections And Regrets

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Jaime's Point Of View:

I bid Tamila good night as I turned the corner and walked into the elevator, feeling eyes on me as the glass doors shut. I suddenly found myself overwhelmed and anxious in the elevator. I took deep breaths, and slipped some earbuds in and turned up the music to calm myself down a bit. I honestly had this ringing disturbance after watching Lucille running out of the building in tears. I didn't need an explination, I knew it was all on Tamila.

I causiously walked through the shady parking lots underground our building as I walked over to my Range Rover, careful that some homeless hippie wouldnt hold me up for a dollar.

I pondered about the many personalities of Tamila. She's a young girl, and I've known her since she was 21 or so, she's bold, edgy, and most defiantly a character, a leader, but also a dictator.

She's beautiful too. I think the day I met her for my job interview I instantly noticed her, sitting at the desk, legs crossed at a perfect angle, her long dark hair straight to perfection, and illumintaing green orbs for eyes, and not to mention, when she smiles, there's that perfect white smile. Some days go by and my mind is on her all the time. I mean, some days, I can't stop looking at her, and some of the other employees notice that I stare at that bum of hers, honestly, who couldn't? The way her long wavy hair flows over her shoulder, her glistning green eyes, her smart comebacks, her cute smile, her short height, and she's amazing just the way she is.

And I have been in love with her for what feels like my entire life.

I remember when Tamila was in a very public relationship with Chase Dembling, he was a Hollywood moviemaker, He had quite the reputation, the perfect definition of a "ladies man". He thought he was all suave and was always cheating on Tamila. A total arrogant ass, he never bothered to learn my name, or even attempt to remember it, and I never liked the way he spoke to Tamila, But it wasn't like Tamila was the niecest to him. I've seen them tell eachother off and curse eachother out, it was quite a sight. After months of watching Tamila suffer under agony, and hearing about Chase's affairs, didn't work out, Tamila said she couldn't be in a relationship where they only heard themselves. Honestly, I was relieved, I hated seeing Tamila get all flustered around him, and I'm pretty sure I felt a smidget of jealousy whenever they weren't bitching at eachother, when Chase acted like the gentleman he wasn't.

I knew he used her, he said so himself. I could only stand to quitely sneak and overhear what he said when he came into the office before my urge to punch him in his photogenic face broke through my resistance.

I had warned Tamila when they first started dating that Chase was bound to bring her career down, and at the time she'd snap at me about letting it go, since nobody suspected Chase of being an asshole after 2 months. Once the magazines cooled down their obessions with the hot couple Chase came clean to Tamila sayinig they were only in this for the publicity.

I had overheard this in her office and at that moment my heart shattered the minute I heard so. Tamila, who never displayed weak emotions did not make eye contact with Chase as she instinctively agreed to have an on camera relationship. What she did not agree on though, was the option to be seeing other people, Tamila told me herself one day in the office. Once Tamila found out that Chase was having an affair with the lead in one of his newest motion pictures, she threatened to announce it to the press, which infurated Chase, as he filed a lawsuit which forced Tamila to have to keep her mouth shut. After Tamila told me this I reminded her of my warning, and that set her off, as she kicked me out of the office for the night until she could clear her head.

That's the tough Tammy side. What she needed was someone who understood her and would know how to stablize her. And I know that person is me.

What burned me the most was that Tamila felt something with Chase. Something nobody in the office believed she would feel, and that was love.

I was also in a relationship at the time but it was merely an accident, for one night I spent countless weeks on end stressed with the heap of work Tamila threw our way, I decided to drink off the burden as I headed to the nearest bar, where I met my now ex-girlfriend Annabeth Darling.

I guess she took my mind off of things for the night, and mistook my actions as love, therefore leaving me waking up feeling more regretful than satisfied, and now a commitement in my hands that I had a girlfriend that I hardly asked for or knew.

Having that guilt in my heart, I didn't want to leave Annabeth after just one night of interaction, and realized that maybe there could be something more between us.

After months of trying to convince myself Annabeth and I could work out I conculded it was no use, not when I had these lingering attractions towards my boss, which she took note of, and that was the final conflict before the two of us broke off our "relationship"

Bringing me back to the moment, I locked my car doors as I sat down and put the key in the ignition. From my rear view mirror I watched Tamila enter her car, one lovely tanned leg at a time before speeding off. I sighed as I heard the rubber of her tires squeak on the pavement as she sharply turned a corner. I took a deep breath and drove out of the lot, a few blocks around to a Starbucks on the street corner. I sighed when I entered, it was crowded like it was usually on a Thurdsay afternoon. The line was pretty close to stretching out the door.

I figured I had time, so once the line got to me, I ordered a cappuccino and a muffin and thought about the presentation I was going to give Tamila. I have spent endless hours putting together this power point presentation about each employee she's fired and who they really are. I just had to create some slides about Lucille tonight and then I was ready.

Sometimes I think that maybe, I can change Tamila. I want her to be better than what she is. She's gotten me so far, I mean, I never thought 4 years ago that I'd be making the kind of money I'm making now, And it's all because of Tamila. I'm hoping that tomorrow's time alone will be a step towards reaching that goal because she is worth it. For this company, for herself, for her employees, and especially for me. She wasn't going to keep her old and rough ways of doing. That's when it hit me. I'm going to change Tamila. For the better. Something in my heart told me this was right. I just couldn't put a finger on why. Could I possibly be falling in love?

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