Chapter 27- Under Arrest (Final Chapter)

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A/N: I've entered this in the Watty Awards, just to see where this goes. If you enjoy this... PLEASE vote, comment, and share. Thanks.



*3 Months Later*

Tamila's Point Of View:

"All rise."

Our plan was in action.

I stood up, smoothing down the nearly invisible creases on my skirt as the judge made his way accross the front of the courtroom, analyzing each of our faces as he proceeded to his seat. I turned to Jaime who was merely-silently drumming his fingers against the cloth of his dress pants in an unbeliveably annoying manner, which was driving me utterly insane in the heat of this tense, nervewrecking moment in my life. Here, I was walking on a rope that was burning at both ends.

"Relax." Mark whispered from my left side. "I'm going to be on your side, stop shaking." it was then I noticed I was trembling in my heels. I sheepishly smiled at Mark, displaying my gratitude that reworked things out well enough that he could be standing by my side when I needed him most.

My gaze naturally drifted to Chase, standing at the other podem beside mine, accross from the Judge. Though it appeared as he was confident, dressed to impress, as some of the female jurors eyed him with a hungry gaze. As usual, that classic smug grin of his never failed to leave his face, the way he stood indicated that his demeanor was all but confident; it was as if he were afraid.

Behind him stood Macy, who was holding on to someone's arm... That someone happened to be Chester, who had delibereatly avoided me... which whas evident that our "relationship" would be headed in seperate ways. His eyes met mine,traveled to Macy's hand, then back to me. He raised his eyebrows, sharing a sly smile before looking back shamelessly at his brother, standing before the judge.

"Participants in the case, remain standing. All others in the courtroom, please be seated." The clerk sternly spoke as his eyes gravitated to the judge, who looked as if he'd rather be anywhere in this moment than right here. I read his name off the little stand.. Judge Alberto Otrebla. I narrowed my eyes in suspicion... wasn't that the same name, backwards?

Slipping that thought aside, I felt eyes on me, so I looked behind me to see Miguel take a seat, his eyes roaming around my skirt... naturally. I gave him a warning glare to let him know that right here and right now was the most inapropriate time to be oogling over me.

He got the message, rolling his eyes before slumping back in his seat and crossing his arms over his lean chest, looking around at the other women seated among the room. How typical.

"Welcome, members of this jury, residents of this town, and participants in the trial of Tamila Dastanos, filing a complaint against Chase Dexter Dembling, Please rise, Mr. Dembling." Judge Otrebla demanded. Everyone shot weird looks at eachother, before Chase interjected with his sarcastic demeanor.

"I am already standing, your honor." He sneered, glaring at the judge before shooting daggers my way. A brief wave of whispers erupted in the courtroom before Otrebla banged the gavel against the desk, shutting everyone up.

"Very well, Mr. Dembling. Do you plan on getting smart with me now?" Judge Otrebla menaced, staring him down. Chase opened his mouth to answer but Alberto had other ideas.

"Don't answer that." he inturrupted before clearing his throat, covering his hand with his fist. "Moving on, Mr. Dembling. It appears as if you forged certain documents and deliberately forced others to sign documents conducting illegal criminal activity, correct? How do you plead?"

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