Chapter 14- Dissappearings And Dembling's

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Tamila's Point Of View: * five days later*

I was reluctant to say that I had returned to the office in Los Angeles. I'm in dismay to regret, however, that I haven't seen of, or heard from Jaime since the wedding. When I returned to Havana's house, (thankfully a brides maid drove me there) that night he wasn't present, and the morning that followed nobody had heard or seen of him either.

I left early the next day, not wanting to disconvience Havana since she was preparing to embark on her honeymoon to Hawaii with her Husband, Berto. She insisted I stay, claiming I was an honary part of the family, but I couldn't bring myself to stay when Jaime was prepensely giving me the cold shoulder.

He avioded my texts and declined my phone calls. The worst part was that he never told me what he said I needed to know. He left me "hanging" if you will.

I didn't get much sleep that night. I lie awake in the bed, overthinking everything, analzying what Jaime could've said... and to make matters worse, Miguel tried multiple times to sneak into the room with me, resluting with a nice hand print across each cheek on his face.

And in a way, I felt betrayed by him. Jaime was always there for me. And I usually went out of my way for him, our relationship was more or less working with eachother.

Here I was sitting in my office, having to rely on those reprobate employers of mine to complete some of Jaime's tasks, in which, they weren't doing very well with.

I was currently debating with one of my employees, who was givng me a hard time about being the spokes person for our new line of moisturizer.

"Honarable Dastanos, I was hired for product design not promotion!" Collin, one of the head designers snapped, placing one hand on his hip and the other on his bowtie. "You can't just assign me a task you know I can't complete!"

"Do you think I'm an idiot? Your resume says otherwise!" I yelled, lifting his resume off my desk and waving it around, making my point.

A knock at the door put our on hold.

"Leave before I fire you." I sneered, shooing Collin with my hand. "Expect an email from me later." I narrowed my eyes at his face, which was covered with oversized RayBans.

"Yes ma'am" he snapped with a nasally voice.

He nervously shuffled out the door, nearly tripping over himself before holding the door open for the next person, revealing who was on the other side.

There, in jeans and a bright yellow polo, stood none other than Chester Dembling. His toned arms were crossed over his masculine chest, he was leaning against the doorframe, his eyes locked into mine.

I drew my attention to his face. It was as handsome as ever but there were bruises and scratches all over it, scars and burns traced around his wrists and arms. The bags under his eyes signaled that he, too, underwent a lack of sleep.

I suddenly felt sympathy.  An emotion I normally don't express. My voice seemed to agree with me as I was at a loss for words.

Considering the fact that Jaime seemed to care less, I realized I could give Chester that chance I had in the back of my mind when we kissed in Vegas.

"Come in." I said in a shallow whisper, trying to peel my eyes away from him.

He shut the door behind him and walked up to my desk. I stood up and walked around the desk, until we were less than a foot away.

"I didn't request for you to come."  I teased imperceptably, a faint smile played on my lips. I pressed the button on my desk to fog up the glass walls so nobody would see in.

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