Chapter 24- Unexpected Surprises

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Tamila's Point Of View:

Let me begin by saying nothing ever seems to go as planned these past few months. It's been a week since Miguel's little visit, and I was back in the office to make sure it was clear of Jaime and fresh to begin for Miguel. I couldn't give that specific office to just anyone, could I?

When I arrived in the office, as usual, most heads turned towards me and I saluted only a small handful of the somewhat decent employees. They usually grinned so wide after being saluted by me that it nearly made me cringe with disgust.

However today, nobody looked at me. Not a single head turned my way. Nobody dare turn towards my direction. Not even in waiting elevator.

Was it what I was wearing? I took a look down at my outfit, feeling slightly paranoid at my lack of attention. There was no way I wasn't approved of my red skirt and navy chiffon. Maybe it was the nude colored heels? Hell no, I've worn this outfit, before, so it couldn't possibly be that.

Tapping my foot uncomfortably the whole ride up to the 15th floor, where Jaime's office was, I was nervously pacing alone in the elevator. What was going on? When I reached the floor I hesentaly stepped out of the elevator, taking in what I was more than surprised to find. The 15th floor was empty. There were about 30 cubicles, and they were all empty, as if the office was closed.

I made way into Jaime's old office, flicking on the lights. Before I even had the chance to turn around an all-too-familiar voice spoke up.

"Looking beautiful as always, Tamila."

I swallowed my sudden fear hard, using the little courage I had left to turn around and face the man of the voice. That smooth, aggrivating, and seductive voice of the man who lured me once into his trap of sleezy little schemes.

"Chase." My tone was cold though my heart was fluttering at his presence. Though I don't feel anything for the man anymore, that doesn't explain why the man had to be so damn gorgeous. Regardless that I detest every inch of the man, a part of me will never deny his such unjust beauty. "You're against yourself for daring to be here in this office." I struggled to remain composed under his stare, his captivating brown eyes raking every inch of my body. 

"And you're against your companies fate right now. Bet you're wondering what happened to those 30 something people in those cubes. They're under my command now." He casually put his feet up on the desk, laying back comftorably in the big leather chair. 

My heart dropped to the pit of my stomach at his words. Could this possibly have something to do with Mark? 

"I was warned about you, though I was never afraid." I swallowed my lie before proceeding to speak to him. "They all say the same thing about you, and nobody's dared to prove you different. You may think you stand above me in society, yet, you forget this is my company, and in this game, I am, and always will be, above you."

"Not when the man who owns your funds signs a document to allow me to collect all the inheretance, it isn't!" He shot me a dazzling Dembling grin, the ones that made me want to giggle, yet punch his face at the same time. 


I froze in untamate fear not believing the insanity that this egotistical asshole was trying to explain to me.

"Mark never spoke such a thing!" I glared. "You have 2 minutes to explain yourself, before I have your sad, pathetic, corrupt ass arrested. And listen to me, Chase, don't play games with me. I'm not like all the women you messed around with, I have class, standards, and a reputation to uphold, and I will absoloutely NOT allow someone such as you to take me down in any way possible. You won't shatter my pride, you won't bring down this enterprise, you won't-"

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