Chapter 27: The Spirit Wolves

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My head softly turned back towards him.

"Claire, the people here will come around, you just need to give them a reason to trust you, so don't give up okay?"

I nodded lightly.

"Thank you" I whispered to him, "and good night"

"Good night," he said back to me, and I walked back to the room.

I looked to the bed, and knew that I wouldn't be able to sleep on it, so I grabbed a pillow and a blanket, then laid down on the carpeted floor.

"How am I going to get them to like me, when I don't even like myself anymore."

That was the last thought I had, before I succumbed to the pull of sleep.

John's POV

It's been two weeks since I left my territory with a group of my friends and trusted warriors, in search for Claire. We've been to five packs so far, currently staying at the fifth pack, the spirit wolves.

All the packs have been very accommodating, and all their Alpha's very respectful, but they are not the one's I care about. While looking for Claire, and trying to get information on the rogues in the area, I have been focused on building relationships with the soon to be Alpha's that I will be leading when I take the crown, but there is not much I can do in the span of three days, except gain their respect.

So far its going okay, but the girls are beginning to distract my men, and are getting not only on my nerves, but also my wolf's. It's becoming more difficult to reign him in, and at this point I don't think I can hold him off much longer. I need my Luna, I need Claire.

"Hey John" said Spencer, the soon to be Alpha of the Spirit wolves, as he walked up to me.

I was in his father's study, trying to understand how the rogues were able to hide their scents when they entered my territory. His father had many books on what happened during the rogue war, and I was hoping that there would be something in them that could tell me what I needed to know.


"How's it going?" He said pulling out a chair to sit opposite of me.

"I've learned a lot of stuff I didn't know before, but I still haven't found what I'm looking for." I placed the book I held in my hands back on the table, and then pushed it away from me.

"I can't imagine how you feel, and I hope I never have too, its gotta be tough to have found your mate, and then have her get taken from you."

"It is" I growled aggressively back, slapping my hands on the table, I stood up and started to pace back and forth in the study.

"There is something else bothering you John, what is it."

"I can't talk about it" I growled lowly

"Why not" he said softly

"It will become to real!" I shouted at him, my anger pumping viciously throughout my body. Trying to break free, but I couldn't let it, so I focused on my breathing to try and calm down.

When I finally got ahold of myself I walked back to the chair I was sitting on and collapsed into it, placing my head in my hands.

"I can't deny it, if I have said it out loud." I whispered to Spencer softly.

We stay in a comfortable silence for a while until, Spencer clears his throat preparing to say something, but holds off on it for another minute. i look up at him, and see he is in deep thought, but I have no patience for the inner dialogue that is going on in his head. I snap my fingers in his face, to regain his attention,  "Spencer, what is it?"

He closes his eyes, and sighed deeply, leaning forward in his chair. When he finally opened his eyes he looked very determined.

"There is someone I think you should meet"

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