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Present Day

Nate is speeding down an empty street in Derek's car with Derek in the passenger seat. His heart is pounding with adrenaline and Derek keeps looking back at the cop car chasing them.

"I think it's time to get them off our asses," Derek sinisterly grins. "Left at the light. Just how I taught you."

They get to the turn and Nate perfectly drifts onto the next street. Once he straightens out, Derek releases the NOS and they speed up to 130 mph.

"Damn!" Nate shouts with joy as they lose the cops. Eventually they are no longer being chased.

"They're gone." Derek looks back and exhales. "Start slowin' down. Gotta drop this baby off at Melvin's. New paint job for the race next week."

Nate slows the car down.

"You did good young grasshopper," Derek smiles wide. "You'll be racin' with the big boys in no time."

"What do I do about a car of my own?"

"Well," Derek thought. "You own a Beemer. That's a pretty boy car, yo. You gotta get it fixed up. Upgrade it. But that'll take time and money, which I'm sure you won't have a problem finding, rich boy." Derek chuckled as he unlocked his phone.

"I got this," Nate shrugged. "When I'm done with my car, shit's gonna get reckless. Might be a new king at the races pretty soon, not Christian."

"Spoken like a man that's got nothin' to lose."

"Because I don't," Nate's smile fades. "My parents hardly know when I'm home, Tiffany dumped me, don't get me started with Lucy."

Nate pulled into Melvin's driveway & parked.

"Who's Lucy again," Derek asked as he lit his blunt.

"My ex. I got her pregnant but I didn't know. After she caught me cheatin' on her, I guess she just up and got an abortion without telling me that either. But on New Year's Eve...I don't know, I tried to make it right with her. I thought we were gettin' somewhere but I misread all the signs & messed it all up. So yeah, I ain't got shit to lose bro."

"That could prove to be dangerous, you know? But...that's not exactly a bad thing."

Suddenly shots ring out, pelleting both the car & Melvin's house. The boys duck down, shielding their heads from the bullets, both of them shouting & fearing their lives. Then the shooter's car speeds off leaving the atmosphere smoky...and silent.

. . . . .

2 weeks earlier

"I can't do this anymore," Tiffany said to Nate. "I feel like I'm here 100% of the time and you're here 50%. This doesn't feel like a working relationship. Don't get me started on you being jealous of an older man. I wasn't even thought of when he was a teenager!"

"What the hell does that even mean in L.A?!" Nate shouted. "There's old ass men out here datin' girls that just turned 18, 19. You could easily be in that statistic, Tiff. And he's got money."

"Are you implying I'm a gold digger?" Her mouth drops open.

"Oh my God." Nate rubs his face. "No, Tiff. I am not callin' you a gold digger."

"Whatever. I just need to focus on school and my internship is ending and I have the party tonight which I haven't even found a dress for and I'm behind on my vlogs--"

"I get it. And it's only Vanessa's party, you have tons of dresses already."

"I'm not going to Vanessa's party," she looks away. "Thomas is throwing a party for his family, friends, & employees...which includes me."

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