The Kirkland Family

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Years Later...

It was a Sunday morning when Wendy had realized for the hundredth time. She disliked her family. She'd use the word hate, but hate in their household was a very strong word and was not to be used. The rules there were rubbish. So what if she argued and insulted Erland at any chance it was a given talent. Why let Jack be wild and not her. Not that she was wild. But they weren't really strict either. Toby was a good caretaker and was very friendly while Jack was a lot of fun. Erland was Erland and even she couldn't change his ways. It was Jacks friend Arthur that expected too much from a mere 13 year old. He was a British man with cursed eyebrows and a grumpy spirit, gayer than a pride parade. But then again who isn't in this world. Arthur was part of the family, not necessarily by blood. One day he got too comfortable and acted like an uncle to the family, everyone knew what not to do when the englishman was around.

Apparently Arthur was staying over for a week, which meant they couldn't be too silly or it would be a whole lecture session in the living room. Toby had to act less gayer than he already was since Jack still hasn't come out of his glass closet. And the worse part, Wendy would have to get along with her brother. She called Erland specifically a spoiled brat. Thinking he's all high and mighty, she could wipe that fake scar right off his little face. It's paint anyway. She remembered him coming to her and asking for her to paint it on, he still hasn't owed her back yet.

Wendy stood in the hallway against the wall beside Erland. She wore her usual attire as she waited for Arthur to arrive. He wasn't a bad guy really, he was just simply too grown up.

A knock was at the door and Jack went to open it. The same old emerald eyes and blonde hair. He greeted Jack formally while Jack punched him lightly on the shoulder.
"So much for a decent greeting" Wendy muttered under her breath as the Englishman rubbed his shoulder and nagged at Jack to straighten his posture. Wendy scoffed, like Jack did anything straight. She glanced over at Erland who was leaning on the wall too, arms crossed with a smug look. He was desperately trying to look cool. Wendy wished to just keep on scanning the room for now, but Arthur went up to greet her.
"Wendy!" He exclaimed. "Nice to see you again!" He formally said while extending a hand, she hesitated, but shook it anyways. While Arthur did the same to Erland, Wendy took her chance to sneak into the kitchen. She was met with Toby.

"How's it going Wen?" Toby said, while opening the pantry and searching for a can of tomato sauce. He was humming a little song.
"Arthur had just arrived five seconds ago and Jack already managed to get a lecture about his posture." She explained, shrugging. Toby smiled warmly and grabbed some pots. He turned on the stove.
"It's only a week anyway, you'll get used to him again soon enough" He said, now stirring the tomato sauce in a heated pot. Wendy cocked an eyebrow.
"Isn't it Jack's turn for cooking?" She asked. Toby turned to her.
"Jack has the most wildest cooking I've ever seen. Besides, not only does this make us look decently good with food, I get a one up on my competition with Jack" He said as he swung the wooden spoon he was using in the air. Wendy sighed.
"I forgot you two were having this whole competition"
"That's right" Toby started "Now go be social. Dinner is almost ready." He said as Wendy slipped out of the kitchen and into the living room where Arthur and Jack were sitting, Arthur telling him about his adventures as a pirate. She sat down beside Erland on the couch, who was playing some video game. Boys will be boys.

"Dinners ready!" Toby called from the kitchen as the rest piled up at the dining table. He served spaghetti and meatballs. There was also a teapot in the middle of the table and a few cups too.
"Trying to one up me huh?" Jack smugly asked while picking up his fork, his Australian accent getting in the way of his proper English. Toby just smiled, putting up a clueless facade. They ate in silence, for nobody really decided to start up a conversation.
Soon enough they cleaned their plates, Jack was on duty for cleaning dishes.
"Wendy?" Arthur called as Wendy sat on the couch, beside Erland. She looked over at the Englishmen and slipped out of her seat. She followed him into the guest bedroom.
"You're thirteen right?" He asked, pacing around as Wendy nodded.
"Listen Wendy, at your age you're probably going to have to think about the future. Act more like a lady, an adult." He paused for a second and Wendy furrowed her eyebrows. "Stand up straight will you" The blonde said, Wendy quickly tried her best to stand straight, chin up and shoulders high. The man kept on pacing with his hand on his chin, Wendy watched his every move. She didn't quite understand why he was so pushy at a thirteen year old, but whatever happened she could always think up a plan.
"Now Wendy" Arthur said, snapping her out of her thoughts "From now on I want you to act like a lady. No video games. Try reading. Always be polite and you mustn't sass anybody. You hear me?" He explained. She sighed.
"Arthur I'm only thirteen." Wendy whined, dropping her shoulders.
"It's never to late to grow up and be mature. I'm just looking out for you"
She crossed her arms. "Looking out for me or not you aren't my father!" And at that she stormed out and into her bedroom.

"Maybe you should go easy on her mate, I know your just lookin' out for her, but she's still a kid" Jack exclaimed to Arthur, who stood in the middle of his temporary bedroom after being yelled at by Wendy. Toby leaned on the door frame, watching the Englishman.
Arthur sighed. "And then one day she'll never know what hit her" He muttered under his breath, thankfully Toby and Jack had no clue what he had said.
For The Best Perhaps.

The moon already was up and Erland was there in his pyjamas, watching Wendy storm into the room. He had a confused look plastered on his face.
"Well you don't look too pleased" Erland muttered, plopping onto his bed.
Wendy just glared at him and headed to her closet.

She was not going to deal with the idea of growing up.

W|N Just so you know:
Wendy - Wy
Jack - Australia
Toby - New Zealand
Erland - Ladonia
Arthur - England
I'd like to see a non-binary Kugelmugel don't ya think?

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