Orhanage Memories

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Wendy once again stared out of the window in the taxi. This time, she was beside Arthur. By now the sun was setting, leaving a pink and red canvas to linger in the sky.
"Arthur?" Wendy called to the man, he looked over at her.
"Why were you so focused on making sure I grew up?" She asked quietly. He sighed.
"By then Peter was already in Neverland and I thought he stole my kids." He started laughing to himself, before taking a deep breath. "I thought he'd do the same to you, so in hopes of you never reaching a stage of imagination, I made sure you grew up. My efforts didn't work though." He explained, Wendy laughed quietly to the man's failure of keeping her away from Neverland.

As they reached home, the last breaths of red and pink turned to maroon, soon into a deep night sky. The brunette laid on her bed, staring at the ceiling. It was cool that Peter painted his ceiling, whereas she stared at a white canvas. Perhaps a little paint couldn't hurt...nope, let's do that for another time. The girl drifted off to sleep planning out a great scenery for the blank ceiling.


Wendy woke up to the pitter patter of rain this time. She walked straight to the bathroom to wash up, deciding that today was a sleep in day, she wore the dress that Arthur got her. As of late she began using it as a nightgown. As the brunette ate a bowl of cereal, a knock was at the door. Arthur grumbled.
"I swear if it's that bloody Polish tourist again...." He marched over to the door. Flinging it open, rain sprinkling through, he closed his eyes and announced.
"Polish cross dressers and Lithuanian accomplices have been banned from this household." The Brit said, but as nobody yelled back, he opened an eye to see Peter in a raincoat, holding a blue umbrella.
"May I take m'lady out for a stroll?" The boy yelled, competing with the loud splashes of rain. The Brit turned over to Wendy, then shrugged. "She better be back by dinner." He turned on his heel and headed back to his seat.
"Well I haven't got all day Wen!" The boy yelled as Wendy was midway about to eat another bite of cereal. She groaned.
"I'm not walking in the rain with my sneakers." The boy grinned as he pulled out a pair of yellow rain boots, Wendy shot him a weird look.
"Can't help it, I'm crazy." Peter mocked, the brunette rolled her eyes and walked to the door, grabbing the boots and slipping them on.
"Of course."

She didn't get a coat or anything, the girl wasn't cold. They walked in the rain.
"Where are you taking me?" Wendy asked, the boy jumped in a puddle, making Wendy grumble about getting splashed on.
"We're heading to the orphanage." Peter yelled out loud, jumping in another puddle and laughing. The girl grimaced at another round of waterworks, but was excited to go. She knew they were going to meet Leo, also known as Tiger Leo. They seemed like a fun person, but also very weird at times.

Wendy waddled along the sidewalk in her yellow boots, gripping on the blue umbrella that Peter handed her, she needed it more. It wasn't necessarily cold out, but at this rate Wendy would be soaked. As Peter jumped puddle to puddle, he stumbled upon a large building with a big-and needless to say, wet-red door. Opening it, the boy walked right into one of the supposed caretakers there, she seemed to know him. Grumbling, the lady pointed towards a room that read Hall 4 where you could hear the loud yelling of several boys. Wendy watched as the blonde began to knock some kind of secret knock, the boys on the other side began to murmur and giggle. An albino with hair split into two braids opened the door. They grimaced.
"Well someone decided to visit." The albino muttered, though he let the two in, revealing 4 bunk beds, all boys looked over to the two.

Wendy wouldn't be as surprised, but some of the boys in the room were Lost Boys, though of course they weren't aware of that. She smiled as she said hello. The blonde cleared his throat.
"Boys, this is Wendy. She's my friend." He announced, the albino quickly shook Wendy's hand muttering about how it was nice to meet her and slowly retreated back onto one of the top beds of a bunk. She too had forgotten that Leo wasn't aware of Neverland either. By now the boys were rioting, some jumping up to say hello, Wendy went through a quick meet and greet session. She didn't mean to be rude, but the boys she's met so far were all very eccentric. She'd kill to have someone from this bunch who was actually normal.
"Peter's got a girlfriend~" One of the boys sang, he had messy hair with two groups of hair sticking out on each side of the head. The brunette child was wearing a baggy outfit and smiled innocently. Peter just shooed him off.

Wendy was able to take a good look at all the boys.
There was Leo, who was already self explanatory. She attempted to converse to them about art, but the kid went into a state of madness and Wendy decided to leave them be.
There were the Lost Boys, aside from the eagle and polar bear costumes or also known as Matt and Al. Which meant the leftover boys were Jake, Riko, Romeo and Ray.
The last one was Luca, the youngest out of them all and the child in the baggy outfit. He claimed that his older brother was working really hard so he'd be able to pay the fee to adopt him.
Though there were only six people and seven beds, the last bed was Peter's old one. He had only left the orphanage for five months and there still wasn't a new boy to replace his bed. Nonetheless, Peter was fine with it either way.

If anything she'd gotten used to the bunch, they were like a group of new Lost Boys and Wendy was already used to the originals.

W|N Spent today at comic con and I'm reeeaalllyy tired. I'm probably gonna publish this waaay after comic con, but it's aight.

To Neverland (Hetalia Micronation)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora