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Wendy looked out the window of the airplane, staring at dark sky. She sat at the window seat, Arthur sitting beside with some headphones on. She tapped the man as many people around her were dormant, with no intent to eavesdrop.
"Hey Arthur," Wendy started as the man took off his headphones, letting them rest around his neck.
"Can you explain more about Neverland? How do I get in it or leave? How do I bring someone along?" The girl whispered, the lights were dim in the airplane, for more reassurance that it was comfy to sleep in a gigantic metal contraption that was extremely high up in the air. The Brit welcomed her curiosity.
"Well love, lets start with entering and leaving. You've got to be in a state of imagination. What were you doing before meeting Peter?"
"I was sleeping, but before that I was painting abstract stuff." She shrugged. Arthur continued.
"Yes, it's best to be doing your hobbies or at least thinking about something that involves you to be brainstorming. In a sense. Then your mind lets you enter by chance, it's hard to get a grip around it. But people learn. To exit you must face reality. Or accept the fact that the illusion of Neverland is not real and you do it on command. At least one player must be exiting for both to leave." He rambled, stopping to look over at Wendy to check if she was still paying attention. The girl sat there with mild anticipation. He continued.
"To bring someone over is wonky, you have to have that person in mind. Unless you wish to go alone or with another core player, than you clear your mind. If that makes any sense." The man took another glance at Wendy who wasn't really satisfied.
"How are core players made?" She whispered, tilting her head.
"The core player is the one who made the island. You were able to go since you inherited my magical powers. For Peter, I had to infer. I guess my magic rubbed off of him, he's still surrounded by it anyway. One of the group members of my Dark Magic Trio is his uncle. You two are probably the only core players for now, along with me. That is, unless your offspring inherits it too." The Brit went on, Wendy finally had an okay grasp of what she was dealing with. A small silence filled the room, a series of snores mingled behind them in the plane.
"Arthur, what were your kids like?" Wendy asked quietly, for a second Arthur nearly grimaced, you couldn't tell why. But his face soon softened.
"There was Matthew and Alfred. Francis named Matthew and I Alfred. Matthew was the quiet good kid. He was great at having real conversations with. Growing up he was behind his brothers' shadow, but not in an uncomfortable way, the kid dominated his brother in some things. I was a fool for letting them play hockey in the backyard." Arthur laughed to himself.
"Alfred was the happy-go-lucky and loud younger brother. He always grabbed the attention from everyone, including his brother. The brat would insult my cooking, my eyebrows, my choice in clothing, everything. But he was still a blast. The two twins would get along pretty well, they're growing up together now. As far as I was informed, the two are travelling around the world and checking stuff out. They haven't talked to me in years, but our relationships are stable. I hope." He stared forward with content. Wendy watched the man reminisce as she too received different insights about the Brit.
"Who's Francis again?" She added, as if he explained him thoroughly once already. She'd got to see his face in real life, but knew nothing about him. Arthur seemed to fume up at the name, they seemed to bicker a lot in Neverland anyway.
"The frog was....goodness I don't even know. He was part of the family. He'd take care of he kids while I was gone and we'd live together. We always argued, but I guess that just made us go well together." He explained, furrowing his eyebrows. Wendy grinned.
"So he was your husband?" The man had almost did a spit take, if he had any water to begin with. He looked at her in disbelief.
"Me? Marrying a frog like him? Rubbish, let's change the subject." He retorted as Wendy just shrugged, smiling.

"You got to ask me questions, how about you?" The man moved on, Wendy mused.
"I've got nothing to explain. You already know."
"It's worth a shot." The Englishman shrugged, Wendy nodded, but then slyly grinned.
"One more question then," She started as the man looked over to her.
"Who's Ivan Braginsky?" The girl asked as Arthur jumped at the name. He quickly covered her mouth.
"You shouldn't say his name out loud." The man said, darting his eyes around the place. She giggled, but the blonde had no choice but to answer.

"Ivan was an ally in my old days. The man was a demon a swear, totally up for killing you with a smile. He was Russian, always carrying a metal pipe, his scarf, a sunflower and a bottle of vodka. He intimidated me, but he's all the way in Russia." Arthur explained, sighing and darting his eyes once again occasionally. He shivered for a second before steadying himself and facing forward.
"It's my turn I suppose?" The Brit asked, Wendy nodded slightly.

"What kind of blasphemy did Peter tell you about Neverland?" Arthur asked, munching on a pack of airplane peanuts. Wendy shrugged.
"Apparently the place is located at the second star to the right and straight on till morning." Arthur laughed at this statement, wheezing rubbish under his breath.
"What was his base like?"
"It was like an underground burrow, right under a tree. It was always dusty and Peter's door to his room was a rug. There were several bunk beds, and a big table where they could eat." Arthur once again was amused, he snorted.
"Someone call home makeover." He muttered, making Wendy giggle.
The man was extremely humorous when being 5 hours sleep deprived and eating bland airplane food.

By now the brunette had her eyelids drooping, Arthur took note of this.
"Why don't you take a nap, maybe you'll get into Neverland." He casually said before yawning. Wendy just nodded and closed her eyes. She thought about the blank ceiling Arthur had and how she'd paint a scenery, contemplating whether it should be a sky like how Leo rambled about. Nonetheless she was in her zone.
Suddenly her mind went white. And so were the clouds beside her.

Wendy floated there in the blue sky, swimming in fluffy clouds as an ocean swayed below her. Her eyes wandered to a small island not to far from here, the girl began to fly. By the time she reached the island, the girl recognized a green dressed figure.

There he was.

Wendy jolted downwards as the boy stood there, arms out. As she neared closer she too extended her arms. Soon enough as her dress rippled in the wind, the two met in a spiralling hug, twirling and spinning gracefully until Wendy's feet hit the sand.

This was their tomorrow.

W|N \(=^U^=)/

I'm gonna start revising my work now, I'm afraid past me was bad at writing. This story is coming to an end soon, thank you for the support!!

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