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It's me.

Wendy woke up to the bright light that flooded through her green curtains and blinded her as she took a peek. Her room was very empty, a bed, nightstand and her luggage in
the corner of the room. There could have been a drawer, but Arthur decided to scrap it a while back since it was useless.

Wendy got up, she smelled something burning from the kitchen, but as having used to it she just walked down the hallways. There she saw Arthur, coughing and fanning something that was in the oven. It didn't seen welcoming. Soon enough the pirate noticed the small girl standing by the hall and quickly closed the oven door.
"Morning Wendy! Go wash up, breakfast will be here soon." The Brit said in hopes that the brunette wouldn't question why something was set on fire in the oven. Thankfully she did, silently walking back to her room to retrieve her clothes. The girl took a long hot shower, luckily Arthur had already gotten ready, so the hot water was all hers. As she finished washing up, the girl took a long stare in the mirror. Her hair had grown longer, since she'd tie her hair up all the time, she didn't really notice it growing. Her face had gotten slimmer too, as if it were being reshaped. But the girl didn't complain, she just brushed her teeth and headed out. Out of retrospect, Wendy decided not to argue as to what to wear. She decided to wear her usual beige shorts, white shirt and her pink sweater. It didn't really matter anyway, she wasn't dressing to impress.

"If they judge you from the outside, fight them. But if they judge you from the inside, fight them too. It's not nice to judge people." She remembered Jack telling her once, as a man opposed to inspirational quotes, he had a lot of them.

Wendy walked out of her room and headed for the kitchen. She was hoping there'd be something good to eat, instead of fish and chips or burnt stuff.
Fortunately, there were knockoff pancakes.
"The oven wasn't working so I had to go get outside food." Arthur explained, you could obviously tell the oven was his fault. She just shrugged, it was better than scones.
As she ate, the girl examined Arthur's attire.

He was wearing a green sweater vest with a white polo long sleeve and brown pants. It was as if he was trying to make British stereotypes true. She remembered his whole punk phase and almost choked on her pancakes, he was a weird guy. At one point during breakfast, Arthur started ranting about something on the news, but Wendy managed to mute him out. She finished her breakfast as he kept rambling, but he soon stopped. They got ready to go see Peter and his parents, their flat wasn't that far actually. But they were still going to take a taxi there.

Wendy watched the cars go by as she sat in the backseat of the taxi. The buildings in England were very different than the ones in Australia and their neighbourhoods always seemed very quiet and obedient. She watched the little red car that drove beside the taxi for awhile until it took a turn at an intersection and disappeared. The girl began to watch the sky before the taxi came to a halt. They were here.

The flat of the Oxenstierna's seemed normal. It was a very still house, perhaps it was like that too in the inside. They walked up to the gate as Arthur pressed a little button thingy.
The gate opened. They walked to the door. Arthur knocked.
Wendy was supposedly nervous, but she kept her posture in the outside as the door creaked opened. There were three people at the door. Tino, who greeted them warmly, Berwald who silently acknowledged them and Peter who stood at the door with his eyes focused on something else. He still seemed to have that little grudge with Arthur.
"Arthur! It's been a while!" Tino beamed, he was very excited to be seeing them actually.
"Peter, why don't you say hi?" The blonde turned to the boy, he stubbornly did so. His eyes wandered up to Arthur and his mouth opened as to say something, but his eyes met with Wendy's. His eyes stayed in Wendy's gaze for a while. The brunette felt very uncomfortable, since he was staring at her as if looking into her soul.
"Hello." She blurted out, in hopes he'd stop staring. But the boy just tilted his head and furrowed his eyebrows.
"Who are you?" He asked, obnoxiously squinting as Tino quickly went to cover his mouth, explaining how that wasn't nice.

And in that moment Wendy suddenly felt her world burning.

He didn't remember her. Even though she would have jumped off a cliff or stayed with him till eternity, he didn't remember her.

W|N Don't you just hate it when the person you silently love suddenly forgets you ever exist? Even though it seems like you've spent a relationship with them, having that relationship suddenly thrown out the window? Me too reader, me too.

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