Captain Hook!

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"Hey!" She yelled as he foot was in the grip of a brown haired girl with tanned skin. The girl was in the water, she was the one who'd grabbed Wendy's leg. She smiled.
"Who's your new friend Peter?" She chimed as she let go of Wendy's leg and turned her head back to Peter, he had already reached a steady rock platform. Peter grinned.
"This is Wendy. Wendy, this is Michelle" He announced as Michelle took a dive in the water, revealing her light blue, scaly mermaid tail. Wendy stared in awe. Michelle then emerged from the water again.
"I think you're forgetting someone" Michelle rang as she splashed around. Another mermaid with a reddish-pinkish tail jumped out from the water, startling Wendy. She had short blonde hair and a bow tightly secured on one side of it. The girl warmly smiled.
"Oh yeah! Wendy, this is Lili!" Peter again announced as Wendy waved.

"Sooo," Michelle sang as she slowly swam to Wendy. "Why did Peter bring you along?"
Michelle lifted her arms out the water and leaned them on the top of the rock Wendy was currently standing on. "Yeah, he doesn't bring just anyone" Lili added as she innocently followed up with Michelle.
"Oh! Why don't you come swim with us!" The brown haired girl beamed as she began to pull Wendy in the water by her hand, Wendy resisted as she called Peter for help.
"Relax Wen, they're just playing with you" Peter said as Wendy started to glare at Michelle, who kept on pulling her. Lili, who had thought light-hearted of the situation decided to splash water at the girl.
"Stop it will you!" Wendy yelled as the two mermaids quickly stopped. Michelle flipped her tail up as she leaned once again on the rock.
"We didn't mean any harm" Lili said as she swam around the rock.
"Yeah, I was only trying to drown you" Michelle added.
"Michelle!" Lili yelled as she wasn't informed of her friend's plans.
"Leave me alone!" Wendy yelled as she crossed her arms and furrowed her brow. Without any further notice, the mermaids quickly disappeared from the water, though it was not because of Wendy. It began to get dark and the air became thick. One thing led to another and Wendy was now behind a rock, beside Peter as he peeked his head out from it.
"What is it Peter?" Wendy whispered in distress as she decided to not peek her head out
"Captain Hook. Let's go Wendy" Peter quietly announced as he grabbed her hand and flew away, following a boat. They flew into a dark cave and hid behind a rock. Watching that blasted pirate.


"Listen Tiger Leo, I only wanna know where Peter Pan is." Hook explained to Tiger Leo, who was currently sitting in a small lake that connected to the ocean. There was an anchor strapped to the child, though there was no sign of fear.
"You do know that when the tide comes around, you'll be a goner? I didn't want to do this, but when push comes to shove" Hook added, Francis butted in.
"Push comes to shove? Please improve your play on words, I think I'm getting sick" He muttered under his breath as Hook hit him in the shoulder, he hit back.
"Just tell me where Peter is and you'll live." Hook sighed to the child. Tiger Leo's arms then crossed, and they made a I-won't-say-word kind of face.

"Who's that Peter?" Wendy asked quietly as she watched Hook explain more things. She swore she'd seen that pirate before. Thick eyebrows and a British accent.
"That's Tiger Leo. Chief of the Indians' kid" Peter whispered.
"Boy or girl? I'm sorry, I can't tell" Wendy replied. Tiger Leo had long white hair that was in two long braids. They wore an (almost) dress and had a handband with a red and white feather on their head.
"An artist" Peter replied back, though it left Wendy puzzled.
"Watch this" He said as the boy wandered off to a lower rock, still out of sight. Taking off his hat, he used it as if it were a megaphone and made the most weirdest sound Wendy had ever heard.
Though Wendy just furrowed her eyebrows, the captain had very much to say.
"Wait a second!" He yelled, startled by the somewhat familiar noise. There was a look of terror in his eyes, God knows why.
"Don't tell me...." The captain muttered as his eyes darted all around the cave.
"My, my, it sounds just like-" Francis was about to mutter, but Hook put a hand over his mouth. Francis quickly fought back.
"You git!" Hook yelled as the Frenchman squirmed around. "Don't say his name!"
Peter decided to continue making that awful noise as the two men struggled to keep each other intact. Soon enough Hook lost his grip on Francis and he was free to speak once again. With a deep breath he yelled. "Ivan Braginsky!" Just to piss Hook off.
Peter made a small laugh and crouched closer to the pair. "You called, da?" He said in a Russian accent, Wendy was still puzzled. Though both Francis and Hook jumped out of their bodies and quickly scurried to the boat they were in.
"Start rowing you bloody idiot!" Hook yelled as his eyes darted around the cave in fear of the said Ivan Braginsky. They rowed away, splashing water around. Peter quietly followed them until the opening of the cave just to know if they were gone.
The tide however, began to rise.
"Hel-" Tiger Leo screeched, but was then silenced by rushing water.
"Peter!" Wendy yelled to the boy as he noticed and quickly grabbed the Indian to fly away to the Indian camp, Wendy was slowly trailing him, flapping her hands around like a bird as if it would fly better.

Tiger Leo coughed as he mutter a thanks. Peter just nodded, taking a quick look back at Wendy. "Does that mean we're even?" Peter asked the child, Tiger Leo crossed his arms.
"Even, my eye! This wasn't even artistic in any sense" The albino stated as Peter huffed.


The trio arrived at the camp to see all the Lost Boys and Erland tied to a wooden post.
"Peter!" They yelled as he landed, dropping Tiger Leo.
"And Wendy!" Wendy yelled stubbornly as she landed too, patting her shorts to eradicate any dirt that was somehow made.
"What happened here?" Peter walked up to the boys.
"Well we kinda got caught by the Indians and instead of letting us free they accused us of stealing Tiger Leo!" The eagle dressed kid explained, though Peter didn't really seem to notice him. Nonetheless, he looked over at the tall man with some kind of paint on his face like a warrior. That was the Chief, he walked up to Peter and dropped a big, colourful hat on his head.
"I am very glad that you have saved my child-" "I'm a preteen dad jeez" The chief explained but was interrupted by Tiger Leo. The man looked back slowly and continued.
"I will now make you the Little Flying Eagle and your men Honouring Natives" He sternly said.
"No fair! I'm already dressed as an eagle!" The kid in the eagle sweater yelled out, though he was ignored. The Lost Boys were then freed and they all sat in a circle, also passing on a jar of paint to paint on each other like how the chief did. Meanwhile the chief told everyone a story.
"What made the red man red?" He bellowed about.

W|N Just so you know,
Tiger Leo - Kugemugel
Captain Hook - England
Francais - France
I've heard many headcanons of a non-binary Kugelmugel and decided to use it. I might end up using they/themself/their pronouns. Anyway, I hear the whole 'what made the red man red' could bring up any racial issues, so I'm planning on not specifying the race of whoever was in the story or changing the story up a bit. And yes, I did change up a couple of things about the main plot and this one.
Because Ivan Braginsky is not a crocodile, alligator, whatever.
And because it'd be too long. Well, enjoy!

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