Car Rides and Low Tides

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Wendy didn't get much sleep that night. She didn't really want that much sleep anyway. The brunette needed time to process what was happening to her. If fast a heartbeat and nervous feelings were part of puberty she wanted nothing to do with it. Not only that, but suddenly her feelings grew stronger about the boy who could fly. She grimaced, laying on her bed flat as daylight poured into the room.
The girl didn't really want to believe that she was in love with him, but at this point she couldn't hide it. The thought could be screamed into oblivion for all she cared, as long as it wasn't out the window of her room in London. Sighing, Wendy sat upright and walked to the kitchen.

Today was the last day.

Her bags were nearly packed. But her mind wasn't mentally ready. She wanted more time.
It was if she longed a love story where they originally lived in the same world, same country. Where it wasn't long distance or forgotten.
Wendy Kirkland didn't want this kind of love story.
She hit her head, mentally yelling at herself to snap out of it. The girl barely ate her breakfast as Arthur sat by the living room sipping a cup of tea.
"Everything alright? You haven't touched your pancakes." The Brit called, Wendy groaned.
"I don't wanna leave." She muttered, slouching and hanging her arms at her side.
"Let me rephrase that love. You don't wanna leave him." Arthur said with almost no sign that he was kidding. Wendy gave up. He knew. He knew she was madly in love with the blonde dork. He knew she wanted more time.
Wendy straightened her back, slipping off of the chair. She walked to the bathroom.
"I'll be taking a shower." The girl announced, hanging her arms at her sides. Arthur watched her leave with intent.
As the girl disappeared, Arthur picked up the phone, dialing a number.
"Listen Peter...." He began quietly, in hopes Wendy wouldn't hear somehow.

You however don't get to know what the Brit told the boy over the phone yet, reader.

Wendy showered and went straight to her room. She decided to pack, folding clothes and putting them in the suitcase as if she were on autopilot.
Grab, fold, place, repeat.
The brunette stopped when she mindlessly grabbed the floor, in belief there was another piece of clothing she could fold.

There wasn't of course.

The girl sighed, once again sitting their burying her face in her knees.
Give me a break here.....
There was a soft knock at the door.
"Wendy, we're leaving in 4 hours. Peter and Tino will come along to bid us farewell." Arthur said at the other end of the door. Soon enough his footsteps rang, indicating he was gone. The brunette huffed.
Why am I so late sometimes?! I'm no white rabbit!
She rose, zipping up her luggage and rolling it over to stand at the side of her bed. The brunette then plopped onto her bed on her back, staring at the ceiling with dead eyes. Her arms extended out and her legs hung off the edge, her chest moving up and down in a rhythmic order. Inhale, exhale. With a jolt, Wendy sat up, eye lids drooping.

Four hours left. 2 used to get to the airport. 2 left.

A knock was at the door.
"Wendy. We're going to head over to the airport earlier. Be ready in ten." Arthur's muffled voice was heard from the other end of the door. Wendy stared straight ahead before propping herself up and out the door, dragging he suitcase with her. She was already ready to leave. The brunette walked down the hallway as Arthur sat at the couch, he watched her park the luggage beside his own near the door. The girl then walked over to the Englishman and took a seat beside him who was currently reading today's newspapers. He sighed.
"I can sense you're sulking from miles away." The Brit complained, setting his newspaper down.
"I'm not sulking." Wendy huffed, crossing her arms and facing the other way.
"You two share at least one thing in common," He started as the brunette listened.
"You're both exceedingly stubborn." Arthur finished, Wendy just huffed some more.
Arthur watched her before speaking up once again.
"I remember the kid not wanting to grow up so badly that on his 9th birthday he forced me to buy candles with the number 8, since he apparently would stay eight forever."
Wendy turned to the Brit, surprised and quite surprised. "Really?" She asked as Arthur nodded. Wendy began to snicker, she herself could imagine that dork doing that, the Englishman couldn't help but muster a chuckle.
They sat there laughing until there was a knock at the front door.

"Hello again you two!" Tino called, smiling once again. He always seemed in a good mood, it reminded her of Toby. At least, Toby on good days.
"Are we ready to leave?" He asked, looking over at the two. Wendy nodded, focusing her vision onto Peter, who stood at the door also. But he stayed quiet. Tino nudged the boy for probably the third time Wendy's seen him do it. Which meant her luggage would be carried by another to the car. It was Berwald's family car, an blue eight seater.
Tino was at the drivers seat, with Arthur at shotgun. The two were behind them, leaving one seat in between them. The car began in motion, Wendy watched the window until there was a tapping at her shoulder. She turned around to see Peter with his hand in a fist, awaiting something.
"If this is rock, paper, scissors, you already suck at it." Wendy mocked playfully.
"You ruined our game when you grabbed my shadows' foot." Peter pouted, still extending his hand. Wendy rolled her eyes.
"Rock, paper, scissors!" The yelled in unison, Wendy displayed rock while Peter was paper. Paper beats rock.
"Hah! Beat ya!" Peter gloated, wrapping his hand around Wendy's hand to indicate he won. Paper beats rock. Wendy began a convincing cough fit. While he gloated, he still had his hand on her own. Though he let go when she began coughing profusely. The brunette silently sighed of relief.
"Are you sick or something?" Peter asked, tilting his head. Wendy shrugged. She decided to look out the window for now, avoiding eye contact at all costs.

After a thorough elaboration with herself, Wendy came up with the conclusion that she'd tell Peter that she....liked him. It was a last resort as the end was nigh. Her breathing and relaxed, but hitched. How am I even gonna tell him?

Hey Peter. I like you. As in like-like. Y'know.

Perhaps an outdoor funeral would be nice. Since at this rate she'd die of embarrassment. The brunette sighed, groaning to herself simultaneously.

The car then halted. They stopped by a river. Wendy stayed in the car for a moment as the other scattered out, she didn't know why they were here. Peter dragged her out, claiming this was just a quick stop. The two teens sat at the edge of the river as Tino and Arthur went to go get some snacks.
They watched the small waves swoosh about. The sun reflecting perfectly on the blue.
"This is where I'd sit to watch the river."  Peter mumbled, getting lost in the waves. Wendy watched him stare mindlessly into the body of water, she didn't want to leave him today. At least, not without confessing.
"Hey Peter," Wendy called blushing scarlet as she looked at the sand. The let out a 'hm' which probably meant he was listening. The brunette turned to him, still keeping her eyes on the sand.
"I Uhm.....I-I....." Wendy trailed, closing her eyes shut and moving her head slowly up to the boy, she didn't care if he was looking at her or not.
"I'm in love with you!" The girl yelled, finally opening her eyes. It didn't seem comforting when she was looking into Peter's eyes when she did, but a small sigh of relief fell out of her mouth. She finally told him.
Though the blondes reaction was hard to read. At first it was blank, then wide eye surprised, then he had calmed down. And by now, well...
Peter moved his face closer to hers slowly. Each inch closer made Wendy fluster hand avoid eye contact. He stopped when their noses were touching and their eyes had no choice back to stare back into the other's. Wendy stared at him wide eyed with red all over. Because of being in the heat of the moment, Wendy never got this flustered around Peter. Maybe her heart beat would thump louder, but in Neverland everything was okay. But now, Wendy felt like running away as the boy whispered four words.
"I like you too." And at that the boy moved back, averting his eyes to the two adults moving to them. In a gust, Peter got up and ran to the two, leaving Wendy in a state of shock and madly blushing. The girl staggered up and walked over to the car, since everyone seemed to be getting back into it. They were given a bag of chips to share in the car, Wendy decided she wasn't hungry and sat there as Peter stuffed his face. Soon enough she felt a poke at her stomach. Turning around, Wendy saw Peter with his free hand, sticking his pinky out and looking at her patiently. Wendy had a whole 'screw it' moment and interlocked her pinky with the blondes. They stayed with their pinkies interlocked the whole car ride, laying their hands behind the bag of chips so the two adults couldn't pick up anything from it.

Though Wendy was to be leaving, she felt an urge to be fine with it.
She got what she wanted.
And so did Peter.

W|N Young love uwahhhh

OK future me here, heads up I made all these chapters in advance, so if the content is rusty my apologies, it's been a while. I can update the whole story everyday so I don't have this fic dragging behind me all the time. So yeah, daily updates for this fic coming up, it might seem amateur cause of how long it's been since I came across this fic. But enjoy!

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