BONUS: A Reunited Face

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A Year Later. Wendy and Erland are now 15.

"No peeking Arthur!" Wendy yelled, dragging the blindfolded man into his bedroom. Erland followed behind, pushing the Brit by his back as the blonde scowled.
"Do you have to drag me?!" He complained, as they reached the door.

The two teens had planned this for a while. By two, I mean just Wendy. Erland had been paid to take part in this event, kudos to Wendy after several attempts of persuasion. The boy was probably the only one out of the two who knew their way around a computer, so the teen was a necessity. In fact, because of him the surprise that awaited Arthur was able to be right in the other room.

They entered the room quietly as the surprise stood there, waiting. Wendy counted to three to indicate when Arthur could open his blindfolds.
The Brit took off his blindfold, Wendy standing excitedly behind him and Erland videotaping from the corner.

"Hey Arthur." Alfred said quietly, casually staring at the man who was in complete shock. Matthew waved, eyes closed and smiling, the Brit needed some time.
Arthur stood there for a while, staring into space and completely frozen. That is until Francis went up to him and waved his hand in the Brit's face, making him, out of mere reflex swiftly chop the top of the Frenchman's head with his hand. Alfred started laughing as Arthur scowled once again, though stopping to realize his situation.

All of a sudden, hiccups came from the man's covered mouth as he suppressed a sob or two. The three watched him with content.
The Englishman let out a cry as the three men pulled him into a group hug, teasing about how his posture was bad. They began to laugh contagiously as the man sniffed, soon enough laughing along as it was contagious. The four didn't pull away from the hug until Arthur made a complaint about being squished, and after that they just stood in silence, almost staring at each other.

"Was I supposed to call you mom?" Alfred stated, breaking the silence. Francis chuckled while Matthew hit his brothers' shoulder, Arthur just rolled his eyes.
"I guess idiots never change." He retorted smugly, Francis then proceeded to fan the American, stating that he just got burned. Matthew laughed slightly, covering his mouth with a hand.

They all took a seat, Matthew and Francis on the foot of the bed and Arthur and Alfred on some chairs that they pulled out. At first it was awkward, having not been in contact for a long time, but the ice soon enough broke.
Perhaps the heat of the moment melted the ice. Mind the pun.
Matthew and Alfred began to ramble about their travelings, going around the world and visiting all kinds of places.
"We started off in Berlin, Germans are always a blast. And then Italy, met a bunch of nice people. Then Japan, we met this weeaboo named Kiku, he's friends with Gilbert's brother. Do you know how much McDonalds are in Japan?" Alfred babbled, he had plenty of enthusiasm in his voice, almost as if he were actually indulged in his experiences. Despite his short attention span.
"Yeah yeah," Matthew shooed Alfred, taking the lead. "We visited Ivan in Russia next, I guess for ironic purposes. Then we went around the Nordic region, their cuisine was fantastic. We visited France of course, many places around Africa, too many to count really. And now-"
"And now Australia!" Alfred interrupted his brother, as if on cue. Matthew just sighed and nodded along. Francis, who had spent his time listening decided to jump in.
"We heard you were moving back to England. So I guess it wouldn't hurt to join you?"
Arthur just cocked an eyebrow. "What're you implying?"
"It means they wanna move in with you, duh!" Wendy rang from the corner of the room as she and Erland just stood there. Not eavesdropping.

Arthur turned around at the kids, then back at the three men, who nodded almost as if it were extremely obvious and he couldn't process it. The Englishman sat there for a while with a blank expression before nodding.
"I've only got 2 rooms. I can move a mattress in the guest room so they're will be some kind of distinguished barrier between people." He explained.
"That's fine, me and Al can share a room." Matthew added, Alfred coughed a remark under his breath, somewhere along the lines of him correcting his brothers' grammar. They brushed it off.
"So I'm sharing a bed with Arthur?" Francis teased, Arthur snorted.
"The frog gets to sleep on the couch." He responded, satisfied with his comeback.
"I know you want to~"
"Oh please, like I'd want to even go near a bloody-" They began to bicker amongst each other, like old times. Soon enough they'd get tired too, but nonetheless they planned their move back home.

And the four caught up on life. Life that they wanted to spend together. Though the action was not possible then, it is possible now.

The family stayed living together for 5 more years until Alfred moved out, still curious of the life around him and wishing to settle with a significant other. A year later, Matthew moved out and moved in a near apartment with his albino boyfriend. Arthur and Francis stayed together, you can still find them bickering by the living room. But that was time spent together, that was the most important time.

That my friends was the short yet valued story that I wanted to tell. It gave Arthur and his family a happy ending.
I do wish to make other fics about the possible stories that I have mentioned.
I want to write about Peter Kirkland.
And the orphanage boys who grew up together.
Or the Romanian teen who just wanted to live with his little brother.
Not to mention the travelings of Arthur and Matthew.
And the love story between Matthew and his albino boyfriend.
Or maybe even the story of Arthur Kirkland, the boy who stopped flying.
Perhaps in a full moon would I also want to write a fic about the Rag Factory and how it came to be.
But once again, those are stories that I am willing to tell
Another time.
thank you for reading.

future charlize here, i'm so sorry for not publishing this??? it was made a month after the end of the story, but i won't came back to it now? side note: i didn't revise this, so it has my shitty writing from 2016.

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