An Eventful Night

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Wendy sat in her bedroom, painting another abstract painting since she felt like it. The picture was a series of edgy reds and some yellow here and there. God knows what made her make a painting like that.

Erland was on his bed, not too far from the table that Wendy was sitting at, happily humming a song. He had shushed her not too long ago because she was supposedly humming too loud as he needed peace and quiet. The boy sat against his bed, organizing all his Pokemon cards that Wendy despised so much. She would always grumble about how it was just a lame deck of cards, no imagination at all other than acting like the Pokemon were battling each other. The girl had remembered making a remark about how you could just make them come to life, but Erland usually just scoffed and shooed her off. He had believed that Pokemon was the reason the earth turned and it had such a great meaning behind it.

Toby was in the living room reading a fantasy book. He had been indulged in it for the past two hours and would probably still be for another three. It was a bad habit, staying up late at night since the lamp beside the couch gave off a perfect lighting for reading. The next morning he'd be slouched on the sofa with the book sprawled on his lap. Jack would usually carry him to his bed if it were too early, but if not he'd end up throwing a bucket of cold water at him. It was worth a shot.

Jack was out again. He claimed that he was going on an adventure, even inviting Wendy along since she was the strongest mentally and physically compared to her brother. But as you could've already inferred, Wendy had said no since her life was already eventful as is and the last time she went on one of Jacks little adventures she woke up the next day quite hazily. He always ended up coming home at dawn, sometimes Toby would worry but nonetheless the Australian would always be home for breakfast.

Arthur was in the kitchen drinking his evening tea, if that was a thing that existed. He was also reading a book, but a more non-fiction one with bigger words and a more realistic plot than Toby's literature at the moment. It was a book about ghost sightings and the paranormal but now that you think about it probably is on the same level as Toby's literature. Not that ghosts aren't real and not that they are. Wendy had seen him sitting in the living room reading it and thought about how eccentric Arthur is sometimes. And grumpy. Don't forget grumpy. She didn't really believe in the paranormal. It was like believing in the tooth fairy or Santa. At one point she just stopped believing. But then again she had proof that it wasn't real, kudos to Jack spoiling stuff when she was eight and accidentally forgetting to pay her for a fallen tooth. Paranormal however was just naturally a thing she didn't care about. Anyways, Arthur would soon withdraw from reading and go to bed, soon enough disappearing on his own quest. But mind that last remark, I'm spilling out spoilers. Let's go back to Wendy and Erland.

Wendy would still be working on her painting by the time the moon was out, but Erland would end up falling asleep beside his deck of cards. At one point while she was painting she debated on the fact if she should draw on the now dormant Erland's face just for fun, but she realized she should finish the painting so she could rest. The girl yawned as she set her paintbrush down. Perhaps a small nap would give her an energy boost later on. Wendy Kirkland drifted to sleep.


Wendy woke up to a small knock at her bedroom window, she had fallen asleep for five hours and it was almost dawn when she opened her eyes. She walked over to her window and leaned on the frame, perhaps a branch hit it. Wendy turned around casually and headed for her bed when she heard another knock at the window, she quickly turned her head around. Nobody was there. Feeling her forehead, she walked over to the window again and opened it, peering her head out of it as she felt the night's breeze. Wendy jerked her head from left to right. She was just about to go inside when a voice came out of nowhere.
"Hi!" The voice yelled, a small boy was right in front of her face, the only difference was he was upside down and was floating in the night sky. She screamed and quickly slammed the window, panting loudly and Erland slowly awoke.
"Wen? What are you doing?" He asked, rubbing his eyes and opening it to see Wendy leaning her back against the window and heavily breathing, eyes wide. His vision then focused on the boy outside the window, floating with his legs crossed and his body hovering. Erland too had his eyes wide open by now.
"Wendy...." Erland's words had trailed off as he looked at her in panic. Wendy looked back.
"I know." She whispered loud enough so he could hear, she slowly turned around to see the boy at the window. He was wearing a green coloured outfit, she swore she had seen it before. The boy smiled from ear to ear.
"Are you going to let me in?" He asked as Wendy hesitantly looked at him, to Erland for ideas, then back at him. His voice was slightly muffled since he was on the other side of the window but Wendy could tell with his tone that he would not be leaving anytime soon.
"Tell me who you are first!" She strongly demanded, though there was a clear stutter every now and then. The boy just grinned.
"Oh, well I'm Peter Pan!" He yelled out, getting out of his sitting position and hovering in the air, putting both hands on his hips and pointing out his chest like how superheroes usually posed. Wendy furrowed her eyebrows, looked at Erland in disbelief and turned back to the overly confident boy at the window. She took a good look at the boy and examined his every move. Sure, she didn't believe in Santa or the tooth fairy, but she sure as heck believed in the brave Peter Pan. Her glare softened.
"No bloody way...." She muttered under her breath as the boy at the window made several other confident poses.

W|N Peter is an adorable little child I can't handle this. My babies have interacted. *wipes tear away* Hope you enjoyed this!

To Neverland (Hetalia Micronation)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن