The Lost Boys

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Wendy and Erland screamed into the night as Erland clutched onto his sister in fear.
"Peter! Help!" Wendy snapped, hoping he'd help as she fell to her death. Her last moments weren't supposed to be I'm mid-air, gripped by her brother and pleading to a kid who claimed he could fly. Perhaps if she thought of happy things? Wendy furrowed her eyebrows and thought hard as her brother screamed into her ear. Nope, won't work. Her moment of calamity came to an end when she dropped ever so closer to the streets of Australia, reaching the top of a building, gliding an inch beside it.
"Peter!" She screeched as Erland's grip on her slipped and she tumbled in the air as the rapid wind hit her face like a bullet. Thankfully, a small pair of arms grabbed her, carrying her with one arm supporting her shoulders and the other supporting the crook of her knees. Perhaps she'd rather fall. He was carrying her bridal style.
The owner of these small arms was Peter, he grinned as Wendy hit his shoulder, pouting. "I could've died!" She yelled aloud, probably as loud as her brother awhile ago.
"But you didn't." Peter answered as Wendy debated if she should hit him again. Truthfully, she was rather thankful for him saving her life and slightly flustered as her face and the Peter's were surprisingly close. Then, a thought hit her.

"Hey is Erland alright?!" Wendy yelled again, squirming a bit and almost falling out of Peter's clutch. He shrugged and looked behind him.
"HanaBell caught him" The boy said as he watched a screeching Erland get hung upside down, carried by the foot by HanaBell who held onto him with her mouth.
"He'll make it" Peter shrugged, Wendy sighed.
"How far are we from Neverland?" The girl asked as they continued to fly forward, Peter looked forward with determination. "Not too far"
Wendy crossed her arms and pouted, "Well it better be. Do you even know a specific route as to get there?" She asked as Peter nodded.
"Second star to the right and straight on till morning!" He explained.
"Great, we're gonna get lost, since our driver is sputing out nonsense"

~About Some Hours Later~

"Peter are you kidding me!? 'Not too far', my eye!" Wendy squirmed around as she complained. Peter rolled his eyes.
"Hey I'm struggling too ya know, you aren't a feather." He shot back, Wendy hit his shoulder. "What did you just say!?" Wendy sourly yelled.
"Hey chillax Wendy. You're just a little grumpy." Peter stated he took the time to glance back at Erland, who was surprisingly asleep and loudly snoring as he hung in the air. Wendy crossed her arms and calmed down, but still was a little hotheaded from this experience in general. She closed her eyes and relaxed for a second.

-In another place-

"They're all gone...." Hook muttered under his breath as he stood in the middle of an empty dock of an empty ship.
"Well of course, you were the captain anyway~" A man with wavy blonde hair teased as he stood beside Hook.
"You." Hook turned to the man. "You bloody frog. Why're you still here?"
The man closed his eyes as casually crossed his arms.
"Face it lapin, you need big brother Francis." He cockily said, opening his eyes and winking at the grumpy captain. Without hesitation, Hook hit the man at the back of his head with his hook.
"Anyways, we've gotta find Peter. I say we capture one of the Indians." Hook explained as Francis rubbed the back of his head.
"If your brain was as big as your eyebrows we wouldn't be in the situation" He argued as Hook hit him again. They set sail.


"Land ho!" Peter screamed with enthusiasm, right into Wendy's ear. She jolt up awake, then realizing that she had fallen asleep and they were nearing an island with plenty of greenery and island-like features. She looked behind and saw that Erland had woken up as well, he realized once again that he was in mid-air and began to squirm around. This time HanaBell started barking, as if she were spouting out complaints. Though her barks were muffled, kudos to Erland with his foot in her mouth. They carried on, arriving at the side of a beach on the island. Wendy sat in the sand, staring at the scenery in awe. "This is beautiful..." She muttered unintentionally, Peter grinned.
"I know someone who calls this art, quite a weirdo." He said, the two siblings ignoring him. Erland kneeled in the white sand exasperated from his experience in mid-air a while ago. He too was in awe, he looked at the grand forest infront of the and the mystery's that lie before. All he could think of was adventure.
"So where to now?" Peter asked, standing up straight. "The Indians/The Mermaids!" The siblings yelled in at the same time, they began arguing as to where they wanted to go. On the other hand Peter made a weird whistle noise. 6 boys hustled out from the trees, startling Wendy and Erland. They all saluted, and were wearing....animal outfits?
Standing in a line was a cat, a squirrel, a polar bear, an eagle, a bunny and a chicken. Boy, was this an odd bunch. "Wendy, Erland! These are the lost boys!" Peter announced. All the boys yelled out a hello, some louder than others.
"Oh hello Hana!" One of the boys said to HanaBell, who was flickering around Peter, she barked. Peter began introducing them.

"In the cat costume is Ray" Wendy waved a hello as Ray flashed the finger, Peter smilied apologetically at the two. "He's a very grumpy person." Peter whispered. Ray wore squared sunglasses and had spiky dark black hair. Peter was right, he was a very grumpy.

"The squirrel here is Romeo, he's very wild" The two siblings said a hello as Romeo winked at Wendy. He had light brownish hair and had a wandering piece of hair that curled up. "He's one for the girls" Peter whispered as Erland glared at Romeo.

"The polar bear costume is Matt" The siblings waved as Matt respectively waved back, he smiled. Matt had chin-length, dirty blonde hair and purple eyes, he wore circular glasses. The boy had a small grip on the arm of the boy beside him, who was bouncing about. "Brothers" Peter muttered.

"The bouncing around Eagle is Al, he's Matt's twin brother" They watched as the boy moved about, his brother trying to keep him still. He looked very much like Matt, but with shorter hair, rectangular glasses and blue eyes. Wendy nudged Erland. "That relationship is like me and you, but you're Al" She whispered as Erland scoffed.

"The bunny is Jake, he's....fancy I guess" Peter pointed to a boy with clean blonde hair that was neatly combed back at the front. He smiled at the two. Wendy nudged Erland again, "I don't like him for some reason" She whispered, Erland shrugged.

"Lastly the chicken is Riko" Wendy and Erland waved as the boy bowed. He had black hair that was neatly combed to the side, he was currently nibbling on an egg.
"Well that explains the whole chicken thing" Erland whispered to Wendy.

"Hey Peter, why aren't there any 'Lost Girls'?" Wendy asked, she wasn't an extreme feminist but she was wondering where all the girls were at on this island.
"Well girls are far to clever to be lost, aren't they?" Peter said, he had a point, in order to be a lost boy or girl, you had to be lost.
"Anyway, Erland and the boys will go look for the Indians, while Wendy and I go see the mermaids. How's that?" Peter asked.
"Will you be okay?" Wendy asked Erland, he scoffed, "I'm not a four year old, sis"
She rolled her eyes and nodded at Peter.
"Then let's go!" He yelled, grabbing Wendy's hand as they began gliding through the air. She waved a goodbye to Erland as they flew away.

W|N So far so good. Just so you know ;) wonk.
Hutt River - Jake
Niko Niko - Riko
Seborga - Romeo
Molossia - Ray
America - Al
Canada - Matt

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