Plain White Walls

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Wendy took a seat to the nearest bunk bed. It had green covers and a white pillowcase, there was a small bear at the bottom of the bed. Was this Luca's bed? He didn't seem to care. Once she was introduced, the boys went off to their ways. Ray, the tough and always pissed teen was sitting with Romeo, they were playing cards. Ray had given her an okay welcome, saying hi and quickly going to the bunk bed in the corner, pulling out a pack of cards. Romeo had tried hitting on her, but Peter quickly told him to leave her alone, he retreated with Ray as the brunette snickered. She watched as Jake was laying on the top bunk, taking a little nap. He eluded her. But she was able to detect a rather growing hatred if him for some reason. She shrugged, turning to the guy at the bunk beside her, eating some kind of sandwich. As he munched, he noticed her watching him and didn't take it personally. Instead, the boy smiled and continued eating as the girl couldn't do anything but nervously looked away. Actually, he eluded her the most.

Aside from that, she decided to focus on Luca and Peter, they had the same brain and personalities anyway. Both young children and very immature, since of course, Luca was still a child. Peter she watched the two hang from on of the bunk beds, Peter noticed her looking and winked at her. His wink was messy. She rolled her eyes. Wendy realized he was copying Romeo, who kept winking at her.

She realized Peter was just about the same height as her, unlike in Neverland where he was begrudgingly tall. He probably used his imagination to alter his height, what a dork. But at least she didn't have to argue about that. He seemed really happy hanging out with his friends, she was new here though.
"Hey Wen!" Peter beamed, hanging upside down from a bunk bed.
"Come hang upside down with me!" Wendy quickly shook her head no. No way would she hang upside down only to get a big headache for having too much of her blood rushing through her head.
As she rejected him, the blonde then attempted to get down from the bunk bed. It wasn't easy. Both his legs slipped through a bar from the side of the bed, he'd have to carefully get them out. Unfortunately, he was extremely close to falling, only the curve of his feet were pulling him up, using the bar. He nervously laughed, deciding to act like it was nothing. She brushed him off with an eye roll and looked the other way, her eyes dropping to the albino at a top bunk. The brunette got up and walked over to them, plopping herself beside them.
"What're you sulking about?" She asked sarcastically, the albino looked back at her.
"I'm not sulking. I was merely staring at how plain the wall is." Leo defended, violently poking at the white wall before them, it's paint peeling. The brunette turned to the side, also staring at the wall. She cocked her eyebrows.
"So?" The albino just looked back at her more disapprovingly.
"Are you kidding me? This isn't a form of art. We need to paint at least something on here." They answered, suddenly poking the wall once again.
"Well then, what would you paint?"
"A sky to say the least, be all means a majestic bird soaring through the void of blue and clouds." The teen was ready to go on about the scenery, Wendy watched as they rocked back and forth. As the albino glared at the wall, a finger tapped her shoulder.
"Whatcha talking about?" Peter asked, Wendy ignored him, turning around and focusing on the wall.
"You're not gonna let me in this conversation?" The blonde sat himself beside Wendy, turning to Leopold. The albino jumped at him, gripping his shoulders.
"Tell me Peter, look at this wall. Do you see this wall!? It's so plain! I can't fathom as to how plain this wall is I mean look at its....." Leo rambled, Peter staring at him uncomfortably. Wendy, who sat in between this took the chance to slip away from the two. Leo found new prey anyway. She sighed, returning to her spot before. Luca stood before her.

"How old are you Wendy?" The small child asked, eyes gleaming. She smiled.
"I'm around thirteen." The boy beamed, he seemed to enjoy her answers.
"My brother is eighteen. He's working hard at his job." Luca tended to babble about his older brother, as far as Wendy knew from the past hours that she'd been with him.
"Wow! Your brother is a hard worker!" She smiled, not wanting somehow lower his spirits. The little boy beamed, nodding to her.
"He's gonna get the money to adopt me so I'll live with him. Then I'll work hard too so I can adopt everyone!" Luca went on about his plans. Apparently the boy was planning to work hard at some job to adopt every boy that he knew in this orphanage. It was cute, Wendy made sure to agree with everything he said. She didn't want to let him down or anything.

A loud banging noise came from the other side of the door.
"Dinners in an hour boys!" A woman yelled, soon enough leaving the bunch. Peter jumped off the bunk bed, Leo finishing their somewhat speech about plain white walls. He stood before Wendy, beside Luca.
"We'll be leaving soon." He announced, Luca turned to the blonde.
"Will you come back?" The child asked, Peter ruffled Luca's hair and smiled.
"Of course!" The child then scurried over to the two playing cards, yelling their names to tell them what Peter had said. Peter took a seat beside Wendy. They stayed quiet for a while.
"It's very lively here." Wendy muttered, watching Luca jump about. Peter snorted.
"That's all this place has every been." He quietly stated, staring forward. He suddenly snapped out of whatever he was in, looking over at Wendy.
"Let's go now, Arthur will nag at me if we're late." The blonde got up, announcing that he was leaving. Everyone just yelled a goodbye, Luca walked up to the two.
"See you again!" He beamed, hugging the two at their legs. Wendy and Peter looked at each other before smiling. Luca let go, watching as the two left the room and walked the halls of the orphanage.
"Peter!" A voice called, a female to say the least. Peter and Wendy turned to see two ladies, probably in their teen years. One was a tanned, with her brown hair in pigtails. The other had short blonde hair with a ribbon tied to the side of it. They looked painfully familiar.
The mermaids.
"Who's your friend" The blonde on asked, kindly shaking Wendy's hand.
"This is Wendy. Wendy," Peter said, he turned to her and winked. She already knew their names.
"Hello Wendy!" Michelle went to shake her hand, she smiled warmly.
Soon enough they had to leave, Peter explained that they would volunteer at the orphanage all the time, no wonder they were in Neverland. Once that was over the stood at the entrance of the orphanage.

"It stopped raining." Peter stuck a hand out the door, receiving no wet raindrops. The sky was still cloudy, but a hint of pink was detectable from the sky. The sun would set soon. Large puddles still waiting for someone to jump in, Peter decided not to be a nuisance and walked alongside Wendy down the sidewalk. The brunette stared at the sky, which was now clearing up.
"Hey Peter," She started, the boy prayed his gaze off of the sidewalk and to the brunette beside him.
"What were you and Arthur talking about just yesterday?" The brunette asked quietly, he eyes were still glued to the setting sky. Peter grinned.
"I told you, the pirate was just seeking for gold treasure."
Wendy hit his shoulder. "Give me an elaboration at least." She complained, Peter sighed.

W|N Has anyone watched the anime Tamako Market before? Cause I just finished the anime and the movie in a day. And I'm still sulking about it. Perfection always must leave my side. Siiiigggnnn.

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