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"Home?" Peter scoffed. He extended his arms and looked about, "This is home"
Wendy crossed her arms, "No it's not" She complained as Peter looked at her confused.
"Erland." Wendy called as Erland looked over to his sister, red paint was splattered over his face. "Erland, do you remember your parents?" She asked, Erland just laughed.
"What parents?!" He yelled happily. Though Wendy just stared.
"Toby and Jack! Have you forgotten them already?!" She sat down on the bed as her eyes watered, Erland stopped laughing. "Toby and Jack......." He muttered under his breath, suddenly looking serious. The boy walked over to Wendy and sat beside her. The siblings both looked down sadly.
"What are parents?" The cat asked quietly. Wendy looked up. "You guys don't know what parents are?" Wendy asked. All the Lost Boys nodded.
"Well, parents are like people who take care of you and love you. They stick with you even though you can be a pain, they feed you, they hug you when you're sad. They...." Wendy explained, though she was silenced by the hot tears streaming down her face. She touched her cheek and stared at her wet hand, she didn't know why she was crying. As the Lost Boys waited patiently, Wendy looked over to her brother, who was also shedding a tear or two.
"I wanna go home Wen." Erland whispered, looking up at Wendy all teary eyed.
"Me too" She whispered back.

"Can we go home with you?" The eagle asked loudly, Wendy wiped her tears away.
"Sure, I bet Jack and Toby won't mind" She smiled softly. And at that the Lost Boys rioted with happiness, as they would be able to experience parents too.
They cheered and rang, though one boy wasn't.
"Stop!" Peter yelled as everyone whipped their heads over to the angered leader.

Boy was Peter scary when he was mad.

"Just so you know, once you grow up you can't come back to Neverland" He explained, crossing his arms and lifting his chin up. The cat costume shrugged.
"Okay then" He blurted out and everyone began to riot again.
"I mean it!" Peter responded, retreating into his small room, bordered with a dirty rug that hung from the ceiling.

"I say we go now!" Erland announced, and so all the boys marched up from their hideout, humming a tune. Wendy however stayed behind, she stared at the dirty patterned rug and pondered about the so called leader. She could've called his name, asking him to come with everyone so they could grow up together. She could've said goodbye, hoping him the best. She could've told him how she felt about him before she'd never see the boy ever again.

But she didn't.

The brunette had just stopped herself midway from reaching the entrance of Peter's room before twirling on her heel and walking the other way. She slowly walked up the staircase, counting every step as it was a habit. Her eyes were glued to the ground.

What were her true feelings about this boy?

She was acquaintances with him of course, I mean she's only met him for a short period of time. All he's done for her was make her fly, save her life, bring her to Neverland....and make her excruciatingly jealous. But that was said and done, maybe they were friends and maybe not. But nothing more I tell you, nothing more.

Wendy took a deep breath and stepped outside in the breezy night. A large hand was covered infront of her mouth and she let out a muffled yell. With bloodshot eyes she looked around to see Hook, grinning at her as his accomplice Francis was currently holding her still. Her eyes softened at the group of boys tied up and already placed on the floor to sit. The Lost Boys and Erland all struggled, Wendy cried for help one last time.
Her cry for help was a desperate yell for Peter.

But he did not come.

W|N Whoop! And that's this chapter. Hope you enjoyed!

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