Think Happy Thoughts

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"Wait....." Wendy muttered, pointing at the very cheery boy. "Yo-you're....him?" She said walking around the boy in a circle as he stood slightly confident, nodding. Erland stood up from his bed. "Wen, he looks awfully alike to the Peter in the book...." He stood there in awe, staring at the boy.
"Don't you think I already know that?" The girl casually snapped, she put a hand to her chin. "It's're just supposed to be a story book character" Wendy exclaimed slightly frustrated and confused, Peter just broadened his smile.
"Story book character or not, reality isn't based off of logic only." The boy answered, but the siblings just looked at him confused.
"A criminal case says all logic goes that the suspect is an axe murderer, but the police don't believe the answer since its to obvious. They arrest the wrong guy. Why? Because they didn't believe. Reality comes with belief that it is real. Without it, it's not even reality, is it?" The boy explained.
"You're crazy." Wendy announced.
"Of course." The boy replied, smiling. Wendy rolled her eyes.

"Why don't I prove to you that I'm Peter Pan?" Wendy and Erland nodded.
"Hana!" Peter yelled, cupping his hands as a small puppy with wings flew into the room, the two children watched, completely amazed. Erland furrowed his eyebrows.
"Isn't this supposed to be Tinkerbell?" He pointed at the puppy pixie who was barking softly. Wendy nudged him with her elbow, shushing him as he rolled his eyes.
"Now, I want you both to think of happy thoughts, fill your head with it!" Peter said and the two kids nodded, whispering to themselves.
"Art, peace and quiet, paint, the sea...." Wendy muttered under her breath, closing her eyes. Erland was doing the same.
"Pokemon cards, Pokemon games, food...." Erland muttered.

As the children babbled on, Peter had his hand on his chin, wondering why they weren't  starting to float up already, then an idea hit him. He picked up HanaBell and pet her under the two kids as a glittering dust sprinkled on top of them. Wendy and Erland began to float, wooing in awe.
"Simple. Faith, trust and pixie dust!" Peter yelled, extending his hands out to the two flying adolescents.
Wendy was a natural, gliding through the air and bouncing off walls as she laughed to herself. Erland however was nervous and secretly scared of heights, luckily Wendy didn't have the time to tease him about being stiff while flying. Peter decided to join them and they all were yelling about. There was a knock on the door and everything went silent.
"Kids, please be quiet. It's very late and we all need our sleep." A tired Toby explained.
"We will! Sorry Toby!" Wendy yelled as she hovered on the spot, Toby left. All the kids sighed.

"Wait. I told you my name, now you tell me yours." Peter exclaimed quietly for once. Wendy and Erland shared another glance before Wendy stepped forward.
"I'm Wendy. Wendy Kirkland. The boy with paint on his face is Erland, my brother." Wendy answered as Erland reacted to her last comment. He crossed his arms as Wendy smugly smiled as if she had won their non-existent battle. Peter smiled.

"So are you guys coming along with me?" Peter asked, jumping about with a dorky smile. Wendy looked at him funny. "What? Where?" She replied and Peter laughed.
"To Neverland of course!" The boy yelled aloud, throwing his hands up in the air. He was soon enough shushed but still left the dorky look on. The two siblings shared glances.
"Listen, I'd love to go but I've gotta grow up and be a lady, I mean I'm th-" Wendy explained but was cut off by a determined voice.
"Are you kidding me? Neverland is a place where you never grow up! Isn't that what you want? I can take you there and everything will be worry free. No adults, no growing up." Peter happily rang as he began to float in the air, pixie dust swirling off of him.
The two siblings shared glances again.
"No growing up huh......" Wendy trailed, staring at the promising boy in awe.

Maybe this could be her escape plan.

"You've got a deal Peter. To Neverland it is." Wendy approvingly exclaimed, Peter stood there with his arms crossed and a sly smile plastered on his face.
"On one condition." The boy grinned as Wendy groaned, he put a finger up.
"I get a kiss." Peter smugly said as Wendy flushed a bright red, she elbowed him.
"Are you kidding me? I mean I don't want to go that bad!" She crossed her arms in a flustered manner as Erland made distasteful noises. Nonetheless, Wendy's brother pushed her forward and motioned her to kiss him or they won't be going to Neverland. She scowled and stood in front of the awaiting boy, making a disgusted face. The young girl leaned it as hesitant as possible, luckily before any kiss was planted, a certain puppy pixie had interjected with a series of barks and woofs. Wendy sighed. Peter however listened intently at the puppy making a racket, nodding his head as if he understood what she was saying. Which he did. The boy groaned a "fine."

"Scratch the kiss. All I need is my shadow, which is in this room. And then..." He stopped to listen to the puppy once more. "What? Go to Neverland but leave the girl?!" Peter exclaimed as Wendy furrowed her eyebrows in both confusion and anger as she had taken offence. Peter made a face that said "sorry for my friend/pixie" and "i swear I was only planning on leaving the boy". Wendy shrugged.
"Shadow huh....." Wendy thought aloud.
"Well we did see a shadow in the light of our flashlight the other day" Erland stepped in as Peter listened. He got up and grabbed the flashlight, swinging it around to somehow catch the attention of the shadow. A black silhouette as promised showed up in the flashlight waving. Peter flew up and ran for it as the shadow began to sprint. Soon enough it was a game of cat and mouse, Peter chased the shadow as Wendy and Erland watched. Wendy laughed to herself as to how silly the two were, Erland on the other hand scoffed as he muttered how crazy this was.

The shadow and the boy began an intense game of Rock Paper Scissors and at the point Wendy had become impatient. She marched up to the shadow and grabbed it by its hand-which was about to throw a paper-and shot a confident look to Peter.
"I could've handled it myself" Peter retaliated as Wendy rolled her eyes. The shadow began to squirm around in Wendy's grasp and she furrowed her eyebrows as she looked at Peter for an order. HanaBell was in the background barking repeatedly as she gave Peter ideas as to what to do.
"I dunno...we gotta stick it back on me!" He announced as Erland and Wendy looked at him at a madman. Wendy's grip began to slip and she sighed.
"Erland! Get some tape from the drawer or anything that'll stick" Wendy ordered as Erland crossed his arms. "And why should I do that?"
Wendy stared at him dead in the eyes "Erland I'll have you know that fighting you is nothing compared to the stuff here in Australia. Besides, I've always wanted to be an only child"
The boy made a small "hmpf" and casually walked over to the drawer, pulling out some duct tape. He grabbed the shadows foot and put it under Peter's, then began wrapping the two until the shadow was stuck. He casually did the same to the other shoe.

The shadow was stuck on Peter and had no choice but to do its main job. Be a shadow.

Peter excitedly jumped up and grabbed the two siblings hands. Pulling them out the window as they flew. "To Neverland!" He yelled as Wendy laughed and Erland half smiled half flustered around in panic. They were very high in the air.
HanaBell stayed a little back as she barked profusely, Wendy wondered if she was ranting about something to Peter. She shrugged, putting the attention to her brother. The girl laughed aloud as she watched as Erland frantically moved his limbs around, by now he'd already looked down, which wasn't a good idea. Wendy continued laughing as she flew through the night sky but suddenly stopped as Erland grabbed her arm, begging for assistance. They had a whole sibling argument, Wendy vigorously waving her arm around to pry off her brother who was frantically grabbing on.

Peter laughed as he watched, "Is this what sibling rivalry is like?" He yelled aloud as the two were soon wrestling in the air. Wendy shoved Erland a little too hard, as soon enough the two began spiralling down to the ground. Peter was caught off guard.

The two children began to scream in terror.

W|N Long update ik, I'm making all of them in advance so I can just publish it whenever. But it's a real pain having to watch the classic Peter Pan again just to know what happens when. Of course, it's aight. Enough of my complaints. Hope you enjoyed!

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