Suddenly, England.

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Toby and Jack stared at the two across from them. Erland however was at the dinner table playing one of his video games without a care.
"England?" Toby spaced out as Wendy waited patiently.
"But it's so far. And we have to pack and make sure she has her-" Toby trailed, but was stopped by the Australian.
"No worries mates, you can go." Jack butt in with a smile, Toby hit him.
"If this is important, we can't just say no." He explained. Wendy gave both of her parents a hug and sat back down. She was really happy to know that she was getting even closer to seeing her favourite childhood character.

Suddenly, England. (Cause the writer doesn't wanna make a whole chapter of Wendy packing her clothes and being on the plane. Yes we know she struggled choosing which clothes to wear as she was insecure about how Peter would judge her and yes she'd argue the whole plane ride with herself about what her encounter with Peter would be like yada yada)

Wendy stepped out of the airport and into London air, it was busy as always, but they still managed to retrieve a taxi and head over to Arthur's flat.
"I've spoke to his parents, he was also out cold like you" Arthur explained as he opened his front door and lead her to her room. The flat was very small one could say, one guest room and two bathrooms. Arthur had the biggest room, he had a small little sitting area and a cute kitchen. The hallways were long and with the hardwood floor, Wendy could slide down them with her socks. She always liked visiting England.

They were staying for five days, Toby decided it'd be great for her to explore more of London, as out of the four of them she was the only one interested. They suggested Erland to come, but he refused, stating that he'd finally have time away from his sister.
"Says the one who misses me when I go off to see mermaids" Wendy muttered as they were talking about it. "You've finally gone mad." Erland answered her. The brunette sighed, remembering that memory.
They were going over to Peter's house tomorrow morning. They too lived in a flat, but it was way smaller than Arthur's apparently.
"Wendy darling!" Wendy heard Arthur call from her room. "Dinner!" She walked out and slid down the hall laughing, Arthur just motioned her too hurry up.
He gave her a cup of tea and fish and chips. This guy was the embodiment of Britain. She couldn't necessarily say she liked it, but his scones were even worse. Gladly, this is just what they bought at a store while arriving home.
If the man really did have to cook something....
The girl shuddered before taking a bite.
"You excited?" Arthur asked, sipping his tea. Wendy shrugged.
"I'm not blown out of my mind excited, but to some extent, yeah." She said in her most fake British accent ever. The Brit just snickered, but elaborated.
"Come on Wen, I know you have a crush on him." He teased, Wendy turned red.
"I do not! All the boy has ever done to me was....." She trailed off, Arthur patiently waited.
All he's done for her was make her fly, save her life, bring her to Neverland....and make her excruciatingly jealous.
"Nevermind." The girl retreated, unable to finish her sentence with a good reason. Arthur smiled.
"Well, you've gotten happy lately." He teased as he picked up a nearby newspaper and quickly getting indulged in it. A long silence filled the room.
"Don't be scared Wendy, I know you're one for first impressions" Arthur silently told the girl, his words were relieving.
"Hah, thanks." She muttered, getting up and heading to her room. "'Night Arthur"
"Goodnight Wendy. Close your window, that kid might kidnap you again." He replied, Wendy laughed. "Okay!" She mused, sitting by her window sill.
The girl stared out her window, staring at the stars.
Second star to the right then straight on till morning she thought, reminiscing about her times that were only two days ago. The girl sighed, walking to her bed and laying down on the comfy blanket. She laid on her back, now staring at the ceiling.

The brunette drifted off to sleep to the trail of thoughts that swirled about a boy who could fly.

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