A Pirate's Life

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"Well, well, well" Hook bellowed as all Lost Boys, Erland and Wendy were tied up against the post of his ship with rope. No sign of Peter.
"Let us go, you scrub!" Erland called aloud, he hated ships. He also was very uncomfortable being tied to a post of a ship that was rocking back and forth.
"Let's not be so mean here. I just wanna set up an offer" Hook explained smugly. He pulled out a table and a piece of paper with a pen. "I'll give you two options. Option one is to sign this form to become a pirate. Option two...is to walk the plank!" He yelled as he shoved the contract in the children's faces profusely. Many of the boys quickly started changing side as they didn't wanna walk the plank, but Wendy stayed solid. She could hear them chattering about signing the contract, she had to do something.
"Boys come on! We're gonna get out of here, so don't sign the contract!" She yelled, at this point some pirates were letting the kids free for more access to the paper. Wendy was able to pull away some boys from running up to the table.
"Hook!" She glared "I will not sign your contract" The brunette crossed her arms. Hook grimaced but still nodded. "Francis! Walk her to the plank"

So there Wendy was, standing at the edge the plank as she stared as the water splashed. She managed to say a farewell, but a part of her knew it wasn't a goodbye.
Peter Pan you better save me she thought in her head over and over. As she neared the end she started to mutter it under her breath.

Finally, Wendy Kirkland took a look at the sky and jumped.

No splash. No nothing. Hook waited and waited but there was no sign. He began to silently panic as she'd probably somehow survived. But how?


Wendy jumped, feeling the air close up and hearing the sea nearing closer to her. But all she felt was a pair of arms. She opened her eyes, since as she fell she closed them shut and covered her nose. Her eyes met with blue ones and she almost screamed of joy. But he put a finger to his mouth as he flew to the side of the boat.
"Hi Wendy Kirkland" He whispered. Wendy elbowed him and smiled.
"Hello Peter Pan" She whispered back.
"I'm sorry for being such a codfish back at headquarters" He smiled and replied, she shook her head.
"I'm sorry for not bringing you home" She realized he was carrying her bridal style again, but discarded that at the moment.
"Nevermind that, let's go capture a pirate." He announced as they touched foreheads and laughed to themselves. Finally, Peter went into sight and landed on the dock where Hook screeched Peter Pan and the boys called for Wendy and Peter Pan. Before anyone could reunite, Peter charged at Hook with a small sword.
"Attack them!" Hook yelled at his team as he quickly pulled out a sword. His teammates however was just Francis, who was currently pulling out an extra boat to escape.
"You frog!" Hook yelled as he sparred with Peter. The remaining kids began cheering for the boy.

"I'll give you a bargain!" The pirate yelled, Peter put his sword down.
"I'll leave you alone if you give me my kids back!" The pirate yelled again, Wendy tilted her head to the side, kids? But Peter seemed to fully understand.
"You codfish! They aren't you're children!" Peter yelled back, sticking his tongue out.
"Yes they are! You've stolen them from me! Calling them Lost Boys! Lost Boys, my eyebrows!" The pirate swung his sword around, pointing it at two of the Lost Boys, the twins.

The eagle and the polar bear.

Peter just scoffed. "They're fake Arthur! Figures of your imagination. I'm beating you at your own game!" Wendy once again tilted her head. Arthur!?
"Rubbish! Quit spouting lies, orphan!" The pirate bellowed. Peter suddenly stood there, wide eyed and frozen. Wendy suddenly tensed up, she didn't understand anything.
"I wonder why I was an orphan! You couldn't even raise me! You threw me away!" Peter snapped, but the pirate just stared at him, realizing what he said.
"Fine." The boy suddenly spoke, he turned over to the Lost Boys, look darkening.
"Peter, what's going on" Wendy muttered as she stared at the boy, who slowly walked over to the two twins. He glared back at the pirate before clenching his fist and taking swing at the eagle.
"Peter!" Wendy screamed, turning her head away, waiting for a body to hit the ground.
But it didn't, the eagle costume had just disappeared. Peter's fist went through the boy, and he faded away. Wendy watched as the polar bear was on the floor crying. Peter just glanced back at the pirate and swiftly kicked the polar bear, who too disappeared.
"Peter....." Wendy whispered, the boy turned to her as she quivered. For a second she thought he was gonna hit her next. But he just hugged her.
"Wen, I want you to punch every Lost Boy. Even your brother. Trust me, they aren't real" He muttered as she was in his grip. Wendy's eyes were wide and filled with fear.
"You're crazy...." She muttered back, the boy grinned.
"Of course." And at that he walked away, back to the pirate.

As Peter walked, Wendy took a swing at the chicken, closing her eyes me muttering a sorry. The boy faded, as the others looked at her in fear. She turned to the cat and swiftly kicked him, fading him away as well. The girl turned over to the bunny and swung a fist right into his jaw, but before she could feel it, he vanished. The brunette stared at her hands in terror. She fell to the floor on her knees as one boy was left to attack.
"Sis......" Erland called out, he extended his hand, eyes filled with terror.

Peter swiped his sword left and right, but Hook kept blocking each hit. They backed up every attempted hit until they reached the plank, Hook at the edge.
"How about this" The pirate panted. "Sword duel. No flying" He stated with solemn.
The boy nodded. They sparred.

Wendy looked up to her brother, then clenching her fist. The boy began to run towards Peter, but Wendy couldn't let that happen. As the boy ran, Wendy chased him, finally catching up. As she was right behind him, she interlocked her fingers and jumped forward, jabbing her hands right into her brother's head. She screamed as she did, she didn't feel the boy at all. Instead she was met with wood floor. The girl roughly smacked into the floor face first with a thud. She groaned, looking up at Peter.

Peter turned around to look at the girl, calling out her name. Unaware that a certain pirate was ready to end him as he was off guard.
"Peter!" Wendy screeched, she heaved herself up and ran to the boy, pushing him aside as he held onto her. The only problem was they were about to plummet into the ocean.
But they didn't. Peter held onto Hook's foot as he and Wendy hung over the ocean sea.
"Let go of me you brat!" The pirate yelled.
"I'll let go if you hold on for once!" The boy yelled back, Hook just grimaced.
"Peter, if we somehow survived this, you're explaining everything to me!" Wendy yelled as she gripped the blonde's shirt, teary eyed.
"Okay then!" The boy announced, letting go of the plank and hovering upwards.
The pirate watched angrily as he dropped his sword and flung himself over to the two.

And for sure they were gonna plummet into the ocean.

But they didn't.


Wendy jolted upwards as she awoke in her bed. She was met with Erland, who sat at the bottom of her bed. He stared at her. She stared back. She was supposed to be plummeting into the ocean.

But she wasn't.

W|N Don't do drugs kids.

To Neverland (Hetalia Micronation)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें