Bittersweet Nostalgia

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Wendy woke up the next day with a headache. She sat upright in her bed, clutched her head with her small hands. It was pounding. Her head I mean. There were no headache relieving pills that she could take, in which she didn't have to brace herself to swallow at least one down her throat. The brunette didn't really understand how some people could gulp down pills like it were water without throwing it back up, mind the vulgar scenario. She decided to walk it off, going straight to the kitchen to eat breakfast.
There was toast. Or what you thought was toast. But Wendy accidentally dropped her burned breakfast on the floor and decided to make her own, better toast. She sighed, spreading the butter onto the crispy surface.

Tomorrow was her last day.

Her thoughts were ruined by the annoying chime of the home phone. Arthur answered it, grumbling about some Polish guy and suddenly handed the phone to Wendy.
She already knew who it was.
"Meet me halfway from your flat to mine." The boy firmly said, before hanging up. Wendy furrowed her eyebrows. And where's that supposed to be.
"Quicksand House love, up Cassor Street and right down Quicksand Street." Arthur muttered aloud, halfheartedly indulging himself into today's newspaper. Wendy shrugged. She threw on a pair of sweat pants and a t shirt about space. It wasn't cold anyway. The brunette stepped out with a light sweater.

Arthur's place was at a corner of an intersection. He had a bright blue door, but apparently it wasn't his choice. Nonetheless she walked up their street, reaching another intersection. Turning right, she dragged her feet over to the Quicksand House. The teen leaned against one of the trees, waiting for the boy. She sighed as a breeze of wind passed by, making her shiver slightly. Soon enough a boy in jeans and a blue shirt walked up to her. Without saying a word, Peter motioned Wendy to follow her. She gladly trailed behind him in silence as she watched the boy stroll down the street.

They'd reached a garage with a little bit of the door hanging down, revealing an indiscernible painting of a face. Though the entrance looked squishy and intimidating.
"Peter, I'd like to live for a couple more years." She said, beginning to walk away. The boy grabbed her wrist.
"It's safe, I know the people here." He reassured her, dragging her into the garage that was bigger on the inside. There standing at the entrance were two men. One blonde and one albino. They were about Arthur's age. The blonde one looking extremely familiar.
"Oh Peter! Come back to bring lady friends?" The blonde one said, he nudged at Peter. The boy just shook his head.
"This is Wendy. She likes art so I figured she'd like this." The boy explained, glancing over at the brunette.
"Hello there Wendy. I'm Gilbert, but call me awesome." The albino said, shaking her hand. He seemed to have a German accent. Once he said that the blonde elbowed him.
"Bonjour, I'm big brother Francis." Francis beamed, pushing aside the albino.
"This,"   The albino started, moving aside to show a vast workshop full of paintings.
"is the Rag Factory!"
"A place full of art, including fashion." Francis winked at the two, letting them in.

"This place is actually run by Ludwig and his boyfriend Feliciano. Ludwig is Gilbert's younger sibling, but my, is he buffer. Feliciano comes by every now and then to drop off art, but they usually leave it to us. Ludwig is too embarrassed." The blonde told them, laughing to himself.  He took a good look at Wendy.
"Blue dresses match you." The man winked, she wasn't wearing a blue dress. But she did wear one in Neverland.
Oh yeah, he was that pirate with Arthur. But.....Francis rings a bell.....
"This is Antonio and Lovino." Gilbert said, pointing at the two men at a desk.
"Originally Antonio is the only secretary guy, but he dragged the poor kid with him."
Wendy watched as Antonio stood up, waving at the two. Lovino stayed sitting, grumbling incoherently. She just waved. They left the two alone, Peter began leading her too his favourite piece of painting.

It was a painting of the sea. Deep shades of blue swirled along the canvas, almost calming, as if the waves swished slowly. He told her he really liked the sea, it calmed him the most.
"I always liked walking to the river while I was homeless. I'd watch the waves till sunset, or until someone told me to scram. It was the closest I got to an ocean" He trailed, staring at the painting with his bright blue eyes.
"My real dad was a sailor....." The boy trailed in bittersweet nostalgia. All Wendy could do was stare at him with this sad smile and pitiful eyes. She took a good look at the painting.
"The guy who painted it was a friend of my new dads. His name was Lukas. I think." The blonde also added, pointing to a messy signature at the bottom right corner of the canvas.

After staring at the painting for a while, Peter sighed and started walking. Wendy trailed behind him, watching her feet.
They came to a halt as Peter was there covering a painting with his body, a face full of anticipation.
"I present thee, Wendy Kirkland!" The boy yelled, suddenly moving aside to show a series of flowers, some fully bloomed and some not. Either way, it was beautiful.
"You're no flower, but it reminded me of you." The boy muttered, hands at sides. Wendy just smiled.
"It's amazing." She whispered, staring at the painting in awe. Amazing it was. Peter smiled too, then checking his watch.
"There's a show about the arts in five minutes. Wanna go?" He asked calmly. Wendy nodded, they went to the rows of seats infront of the stage. Luckily, they got front row.

It was a small session about this humorous guy who would teach you the basics of art in a fun way. Wendy couldn't say she sucked up all the information like a sponge, but she learned some stuff that she didn't know as a young artist. It roughly an hour long, but it seemed faster to the two kids. They stood at the entrance, leaning on the wall.
"I'll walk you home, Tino wants me back early so I can help with dinner." The boy said, getting up from the wall. Wendy followed suit, they walked home at ease. The girl watched some nearby trees sway from side to side in a rhythmic order. That is, until she felt a rather warm sensation by her hand. The brunette then inhaled sharply.
"Peter. My hand. Why're you holding it." She blurted out in panic as the boy looked away.
"Don't get me wrong, this, this is a bad area. I'm just protecting you." He explained in forced confidence. The girl looked away too.
"O-okay then." She gulped, focusing on the sidewalk.
They walked hand in hand to the door of Arthur's flat. Peter let go to knock on the door. Wendy was both relieved and disappointed when he let go. She didn't know why, but she liked the extra warmth and company. But at that rate her heart would stop with all the beating it had to do. As Arthur opened the door, Wendy scurried by the Brit, about to run to her room. Stopping herself, she walked back to the two and grabbed Peter's hand, forcefully interlocking their pinkies.
"Till tomorrow." She muttered nervously before pulling away and running to her room. Arthur just looked at Peter, who shrugged.
"Till tomorrow!" He yelled in hopes Wendy would hear. Then the blonde left with a heavy heart. Arthur brushed Wendy off, she needed alone time.

All in all Wendy sat with her head in her knees the whole evening. She had plenty of thoughts eating at her, but putting a hand to her forehead made her realize something even more complicated.

Her headache was gone.

W|N Wooah long chapter there soorry. Currently watching Chuunibyou Demo Koi Ga Shitai! Much angst. Send help. Nonetheless, I hope you enjoyed!
Btw, The Rag Factory is an actual place in London, so I don't own that. The streets I've mentioned are also based off of place in London so check it out if ya wanna ;)

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