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Wendy sat up on her bed. The moonlight spilled into her room. Erland was on his bed, supposedly sleeping but of course she knew under that blanket that he was running his blog on tumblr and viciously hitting the keys on his laptop.
She closed her eyes for a second before opening them again.
A rock was thrown at her window.
Wendy got up and leaned on her window sill as a figure emerged. He fogged up the glass and drew some words with his finger.
It said in messy writing. Wendy rolled her eyes but waved vaguely. She opened the window, climbing out and standing on the ledge. The boy floated backwards, extending his arm out as to help her. This time instead of just staring, Wendy Kirkland accepted his hand.
And in a quick motion the girl jumped. But she jumped into his arms.

In reality Wendy still lay in her bed dormant. She learned not to sleepwalk, or Erland would be a tired mess the next day monitoring his sister.
But yes, Peter and Wendy visited each other frequently. One time Wendy brought Erland, and Peter brought many of his orphanage buddies. Mostly Leo, but one day he brought Luca, who was gleaming in awe. But Leo was more surprised to see another version of themself with paint splattered all over their face.

Arthur still lived with them, he visited Neverland too, sometimes bringing Francis.
He and Wendy would go by England sometimes and visit Peter in real life, Wendy finally getting to paint Arthur's ceiling.
She was really stuck on what to paint and Leo gave her no help at all. But a glance at Peter sparked her imagination.
A series of blues and swirling whites. Peter for some reason thanked her for it, but she didn't ask him about it. She painted the ocean.

Many of the Lost Boys still stayed at the orphanage, not really interested in parents by now. Ray and Jake were years away from being able to adopt orphans themselves. Soon enough they would adopt everyone who was in their room and live in a flat near the orphanage. Luca's older brother finally did adopt him, they lived in a small apartment along with his older brothers' Bulgarian friend. The two mermaids from Neverland missed the energetic boys from the orphanage, but still volunteered there, occasionally visiting the boys in their flat. The Rag Factory was still running, Leo and Wendy would sometimes submit their art, seeing it at the front desk the next day.

Wendy and Peter would stay together for a long time. Their puppy love lasted long, until it was no longer young enough to be called that. By the time they got older, Neverland was merely a place they went to when they were kids. Occasionally they'd go there just to spend time with each other and be young again.

They had an outside wedding in a field around London. Married at the age of 27.
Jack and Toby decided to all move to England for a change, they lived in the flat beside Arthur's. Peter and Wendy were lucky enough to get a flat that was close to everyone they loved. They had twins at the age of 29, a girl and a boy. The girl was named Lily, nicknamed Tiger Lily at home. After several arguments, they decided to name the boy Leo, nicknamed Tiger Leo at home for ironic purposes.

Arthur finally reunited with his kids and Francis, they lived in his flat. But the rest is another story. Another story that I am willing to tell another time.

Erland was an Internet person. Wendy was there to witness him meeting two of his internet best friends, it was a tear jerker. He stayed stubborn, but soon left the house married and having a kid.

Toby and Jack finally married in Australia before they left to England.
Wendy was Maid of honour and Erland was Best Man. Arthur was a groomsmen.
Michelle and Lili were both the flower girls and Leo was a forced ring bearer. All the Lost Boys and Luca (along with his older brother) attended the wedding.

They all lived long lives, Leo being the last one to leave the flat where all the orphans lived and soon got married. Leo found someone who was accepting of them, they married at 30 and adopted a kid at 31. They named him Peter.

But that was the future. As far as we know, Wendy and Peter are only fourteen.

But we know they'll live good lives.
We know they'll always have their tomorrow.

W|N And that my friends is the end of my story.
The curtain call had ended and the applause has been done.
Some stories were well told, some brought great fun.
Wendy Oxenstierna will still muse out the window of cars.
And I, as the writer will still spit some bars.
Thank you.

Ps. there's one more chapter after this ;)

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