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The blonde and the brunette flew swiftly through air, Peter guiding Wendy.
"Hey Wendy," Peter called from up front, he slowed his flying down, matching the speed of Wendy's as the girl just watched.
"Before we go see the mermaids, I wanna show you something."
Wendy furrowed her eyebrows, crossing her once extended arms.
"You better not be planning something bad." She stated firmly as the boy chuckled.
"Why would I, Peter Pan, the infamous boy who could fly, be planning something bad?"
Wendy rolled her eyes. "Why not, you're the most eccentric person I've ever met."

The brunette received no reply, as the boy thought it wasn't needed. He leaded her towards the ground, sticking a great landing as they walked upon a grassy area, dim lit because of the towering trees. At one point Peter told Wendy to stay low, and so they laid there in the leafy grass, apparently waiting for something. They laid in silence for a while until a light flickered, soon enough more did too.
Small flickering lights flew about, beautifully leaving a trail of sparkle behind them as they swirled. Wendy looked at the scene in awe, then at Peter, then back at the scene.
"Pixies." Peter whispered, he smiled to himself as the fairies danced about.
By the time the pixies had subsided to just moving about, Wendy and Peter sat up in the glowing situation. They sat infront of each other, cross legged.
"I came across this while trying to find a good place for headquarters. Even before the Lost Boys were assembled." Peter explained, staring at the flickering lights.
"You were alone?" Wendy mused, managing to respond as she too stared at the pixies.
"Sometimes it's better to be alone." Peter nodded along.
"It lets you think. It lets you reminisce. It lets you get lost." He muttered.
"It lets you get lost in the forest, that's for sure." The brunette said, amused.
Peter had just shrugged.

"Getting lost was just what I needed. You don't have to worry about the consequences, for now you just have to worry about where you are." He trailed on about philosophy and such, it was sort of amusing to Wendy.
The boy you just met has the fate of being an overconfident yet silly kid but throw in a little reality check and the teen is all over it. People who actually take part in the curiosity and imaginative section of what is real or not, don't just go appearing at your door step. They appear by your window. The appear by your window and show you that sometimes reality isn't all you have to rely on.

"You looked really familiar when I stumbled across your house. I don't even know why I was there, I just, was." Peter added, beginning to go off topic but deciding the stay sidetracked.
"I can agree with you there. I don't let just anyone inside my house, especially through my window." Wendy deadpanned, "I guess there's a first for everything."
"I mean it Wendy, your name and face rings a bell." He casually said, Wendy snorted.
"I'll take that as a compliment."
"Since when did you get such dry humour? Wendy Darling from Peter Pan was free of any dry humour and I don't recall her telling any jokes in the story." He complained.
"I'm not Wendy Darling. Besides, I guess that makes me more interesting? Dry humour is a first for me too, I was a Wendy Darling once." The girl shrugged, she looked over at the boy whose face was pitiful, he just wanted a real talk. Probably the first one he's wanted in his lifetime one could say, reader. So the brunette sighed, she put her hands in her lap and sat up straight.

"I meant the dry humour part of I don't usually let anyone in from my window. I wasn't planning to but, I just did it. I dunno why." The girl explained, looking the other way.
The boy laughed a bit, resulting to the girl to furiously blush as her face yelled 'what'. But as he chuckled, Wendy would soon enough chuckle too. For some reason, his laugh was foreign. That was the one thing she didn't recognize. But that reassured her.
Maybe in another life did he not laugh, not reach that level of happiness.
But that meant in this life he was happy, that reassured her the most.

But on a side note, boy was he attractive when he was laughing. Wendy couldn't help but stare. She got lost for a second, but when he stopped laughing she fell back to earth. He'd catch her if she didn't.
Though I guess if Wendy did fall down to earth, the boy would stand there with his arms out and ready to catch her. But that's a more realistic view.
Analogies between literally and metaphorically always mess me up.

This is the part where I spoil you. Where I spill the beans or foreshadow something important. Though I don't want to. Shots in the dark don't usually hit. And that reassures me that all you need right now is the plot to receive your end. So as I just said, let's continue the plot.

However Wendy did not fall back to earth quick enough. The two had locked eyes. Blue and brown almost mixed.
"You have pretty eyes..." Peter muttered accidentally, he quickly covered his mouth with one hand, staring somewhere else. Wendy inhaled loudly in panic, but she grabbed the boys hand and lead him to the outside, in hopes to run away from the worries and stay calm.
"Let's go see mermaids." She muttered as they both took flight.

Needless to say they were both blushing messes as they flew. The first one to stop blushing was Wendy, she was yelling in her head, mentally forcing herself not to. Peter however couldn't. With Wendy up at front, he couldn't stop staring at the way her hair flew back because of the wind.

Maybe Peter missed some right turns. Maybe they had to turn around a couple of times.
He was far too distracted to notice where he was going.

W|N We were all kind of sidetracked here, me as the writer especially. Enjoy though!

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