Chapter 30 [J.M.B] Point Of Views *

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 This is the end of Book 1.

Julie's POV

After the fireworks are over, and the band begins to play, the music is fast paced rock and roll. Sex, drugs, rock and roll. Ha, I laugh to myself. I get it! We all pop an ecstacy together, and can't wait for the hot sensations to creep into our bodies. Blaze takes his arm and wraps it around my shoulder, kissing my neck as I flinch from the cold metal of his lipring rubbing against me, making my skin tickle. I try to laugh, just to ease the mood, but when I do it honestly doesn't feel right. I know that my friends are hurting, and losing their best friend has emotionally torn them apart, but there's one thing Mickey was right about. I didn't even really know Xavier, and maybe that's the reason why it's not hitting me as hard as it's hitting them.

Blaze gently takes my hand and links his fingers through mine, and it still feels like a perfect fit. He cautiously stares down into my eyes, and brushes his lips against my cheek. "I'm sorry," I softly say, and I'm surpirsed that he heard me over the sound of the music.

"What'd I tell you?" he asks, slightly grinning at me, as I shrug.

"To not say sorry," I finish, grabbing his face with my hands, and slowly kissing him. Once I pull back a little, and his eyes open, I show him a smile. "Want to dance?"

He nods, and says "Sure, baby."

I hold his hand again and we hop off the stage and get on the dance floor, where couples are crowded around us, and we dance for what seems like forever. I'm sweating and he's sweating, his hands are moving all over my body at this point and I'm now grinding on him. I'm just so amazingly happy whenever I'm with him, and I feel so safe and secure. It's almost like I feel like I belong to this world, and I finally mean something to someone. I lost my virginity to this boy, and I'm in love with him, as much as he's in love with me. I just care about him so much.

I turn around and we're both laughing because one kid just got slapped by a random girl, straight across his face, probably because he got caught cheating. I know Blaze would never do that to me, not ever again. Everything with us is so perfect right now. I glance around for a few seconds and can't spot Mickey or Tessa, and not even Spencer. So I just stare back up at my boyfriend and he leans down to kiss me. He immediately traces my lips with his tongue, as I open my mouth and my tongue ring tubs against the roof of his mouth. He always likes when I do this. He holds his arms tightly around my waist, his hands cupping my ass, and I put my arms around his neck and continue to makeout with him for as long as I can. Kissing him makes me feel so alive.

Now is when I feel the pill kick in, fully, in the matter of only seconds. My body is warm, but I have the chills at the same time, but yet I'm still sweating from dancing so hard. As soon as I pull my head back and we stop kissing, he holds me against him tighter, and I can't take it anymore. The way he's touching my ass, and kissing and sucking on my neck, it's turning me on to the FULLEST. I've never felt this strongly for him before... I let him put pecks on my lips, but as the minutes go by is when I take off his hat and put it on my head, turning around my putting my ass against the front of his jeans. I can tell he's hard and I want him so bad, so he takes back his hat, I grab his hands and quickly lead him behind me through the rest of the kids that are dancing and grinding.

We rush across the grass, pushing by everyone as I look to the right of us and notice a bunch of boys chugging liquor, smashing the bottles on the concrete ground. It looks like they're getting too worked up, and they're seriously way too wild as well. So when I feel Blaze pull me closer to him is when I realize he's protecting me. How cute is that? I can't wait until we get inside.

"Blaze!" I suddenly hear, as a really beautiful girl stands in front of us. She has bleach blonde hair, huge boobs, and she's tan to the max. She's not wearing any makeup though, so she's almost completely natural looking. "Oh my god, Blaze!"

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