Chapter 32 [Spencer] Getting Over Tess *

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This gets very dirty. Just informing you now.


When Blaze gets back to my car, and opens the door, is when I notice Mickey staring out at us from her bedroom window. I slightly wave but it's too late, and she already pulled her curtains closed. Blaze hops in the car and slams the door, actually making me flinch.

"Want to do me a favor, bro?" He questions, not looking over at me until I say nothing.

"Uh, sure. What is it?"

"Drive to the bridge, park on the side of the road, so I can jump off," he states, me narrowing my eyes in silence. "I'm serious. If you don't take me there, right now, I'll hit someone else up and have them take me."

"What did the test say?" I ask, as he glares at me and shakes his head.

"That my life is ruined," he tells me, looking so mad that it almost scares me. "RUINED," he shouts, slamming his fist against the window as it cracks.

"Woah dude," I rush out, him leaning forward and putting his face in his hands.

"My bad. Now drive."

And I listen to exactly what he says, because I've been in his position before. Angry, confused, scared as fucking shit, horrified completely, and depressed. Mostly depressed, and done... It's not a good feeling or situation to experience, so I blow off his attitude and I drive down the street while glancing over at him every now and then.

"Yo, do you have any perks or anything on you?" He randomly asks me once we come to a redlight.

I frown at him, and finally his eyes meet mine. "You don't take pills anymore, Blaze."

"Says fucking who?" he orders, as I start to get heated.

"Don't bug out on me, bro. I've been in the same spot as you and I wasn't a jerk to you," I remind him, as he holds up a bottle of coke and nods at it.

"Does this have anything in it?"

"Coke," I say, but it sounds more like a question. "Coca Cola."

"Can I take a few swigs?" he asks, waiting for my answer as I stare over at him, blankly.

"It's mad warm."


I shrug and stare out the windshield, keeping my gaze on the red light. "Drink it Blaze. I don't care," I eventually let out, him opening the glove compartment and digging through everything.

"Could we drive by Roger's so I can get some perks?" he questions, as I sharply exhale, sticking my hand further down, pulling out a plastic baggy.

"I have a couple kpins," I tell him, as he looks over at me and waits. "Take one. It's all on you."

"You planning on having any?"

I shake my head and step on the gas once the light turns green. "Nah," I answer.

"F yeah," he mumbles, as I roll up my window and when I look over at him, he's popping the rest of the bag of them into his mouth, sipping it down with the bottle of coke.

"Dude," I rush out, staring at him as he tosses the empty baggy into the backseat and slouches down, pushing his hair to the side, out of his eyes.


"How many were there?"

"Four," he finally tells me. "Won't kill me."

"You're godamn crazy," I quickly tell him, turning the corner and speeding down the empty road. "I thought you don't take pills."

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