Chapter 2

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I had finally unloaded most of my boxes. And when I went to open the last one I small head popped out. "Jax. What are you doing in here you weird kitty," I laughed taking her out of the box. I put her on the side of me and then she crawled into another box. I shuck my head and went downstairs. I went outside when I heard someone crying. I looked in that direction and saw a boy sitting on the curb. "Um are you ok," I asked walking towards him. "No not really," he cried. "Do you want to talk about it," I asked sincerely. "But your a stranger," he sniffled. "Yeah but I'm a carrying stranger," I smiled, "But if you don't want to talk I get it." He didn't say anything. Which made it really quiet. "Sorry," he finally said. "Why are you sorry," I asked. "Cause I probably interrupted your walk or whatever you where doing," he sniffled. "Actually I live right there. I came outside to find my dad but I ended up finding you," I said, "So what's your name?" "Danny," he choked out. "Well Danny I'm Hailey," I smiled. "Nice to meet you," he said. "Nice to meet you too. Now are you fine getting home," I asked. "I live right there," he said pointing behind him. "Do you go to the high school around here," I asked. He nodded. "So I guess I'll know someone," I said. "Why are you being so nice to me," he asked looking at me. "Because I like making people happy in life," I smiled. "Thanks," he sadly smiled. "Anytime. And if you ever need someone to talk to or something you'll know where to find me," I said getting up. He stood up too and I gave him a hug. "Whatever caused you to be sad just remember your probaly and amazing person Danny. Don't forget that," I said. "Thanks Hailey," he said. "And if you need a friend I'm here. Even if you don't want me," I laughed.

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