Chapter 20

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Matt was running down the feild and then boom. TOUCH DOWN! I quickly ran down to Matt and hugged him. "That was amazing," I said. "I know. The rush. It just makes you feel like you can do anything," he said saying the last words some what slowly, his eyes looking straight into mine. And out of nowhere he slowly started to lean in intill his lips where on mine. But he then pulled away quickly. "I'm so sorry," he mumbled nervously walking away. "Matt." But it was to late. He was to far away for him to actually hear me. I went to go after him when my eyes locked with Cassidy's. Her eyes filled with rage. Almost feeling like she was looking into my soul. I quickly looked away and started walking towards the direction Matt went in. But to my luck he was gone. No sign of his car anywhere. Are you kidding me? I went to head back to the bleachers but I ended up running into someone as my small frail body collided with someone's tall hard frame sending me to the ground with an oomph. "Blondie. Nice to see you," Nash smirked down at me. "Nash. How not nice to see you," I said getting off the ground. "Look blondie you need a ride home. Right?" "Yeah. But not from you," I said going to walk away but he grabbed my wrist. His strong hands gripping my wrist a little to tightly causing a tear to fall as I cried out in pain. "Let her go," a guy yelled out from behind Nash. Nash let my wrist go and turned around getting punched in the face. That's when I noticed the boy. Hayes. He kept punching his brother in the face till blood started to bleed from his nose. "You hit like a girl," Nash laughed coughing at the end. Hayes got off his brother and kicked him in the side. "If you ever touch her again I swear it will be the last thing you do," Hayes said angrily. Then his eyes went soft when be looked at me. "You ok?"

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