Chapter 16

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I got off my bed and headed over to my window to see Matt. So I opened it. "Hey. What are you doing tomorrow," he asked. "Nothing," I shrugged. "Want to come to the football game with me. Well not with me you now cause I'm playing but do you want to come," he asked. "Yeah sure," I smiled. "And sorry about the first day. Cassidy she's my ex. She still likes to think she has a chance. She cheated on me with my best friend," Matt said. "That sucks." "It did," he sighed. "Well I hate to cut this convo short but I need to take a shower," I said grabbing my towel. "A cold one," he winked. "Shut up," I laughed shutting my window. I quickly shut my blinds and headed into my bathroom going to take a shower. When I was finished I went and warmed up some leftover pizza and then went back up to my room with it. "Know to watch some TV. Then do some homework," I sighed turning on Teen Wolf. "Knock knock," someone said knocking on my door. "Come in," I said as Hayes walked into my room. "Oh it's you," I said pausing Teen Wolf. "Yeah. Cause we need to finish are project. "Well it's Friday. And I just want to relax," I said taking a bite of my pizza. Hayes walked over to me and took my other pizza taking a bite. "Hey that's mine," I whined. "To bad. Now what are you watching," he asked. "Teen wolf." "Typical," he said taking the remote and turning on my Xbox, "Let's play Call Of Duty," he said putting it in. "Fine. But if I beat you. You leave me alone and go home," I said grabbing a controller. "And if I win. I stay and you have to kiss me," he smirked. I rolled my eyes and said, "Deal." And with that Hayes pressed play and the game started. "Your going down Grier." "Only on you," he smirked. "Nasty," I said rolling my eyes as I snipped Hayes.

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