Chapter 11

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It wasn't that long of a drive to the hospital. God why is everything so damn close. Me and Paul rushed up to the desk. "Is Danny Edge here," Paul asked. "Are you guys family," the lady asked. "No. Where friends. We where there when he got hit," I said. "Well the doctor will be out when his family comes. He'll tell you how your friend is. But for know just take a seat in the waiting room," she smiled. "We should get back to school. If Danny's parents so me they'll tell my parents I skipped school," Paul said. "Then let's head back to school and we can come back later," I said heading out. When we got back to school it turns out that it had just started. "See you after class Paul," I said heading towards first period." "Yeah see you," I heard him say. I looked at my schedule and saw I had science first. Great know I have to see Hayes. As I stepped into the room the bell rang. "Just on time Miss. Patel," the teacher said. I quickly made my way to my seat to find Hayes smirking. "Hi princess," he said as I took a seat. "Fuck off." "Wow. Someone hasn't took her meds today," he said rolling his eyes. "Seriously my friend is in the hospital sense your brother hit him with a car. Just do me a favor leave me alone," I said looking towards the board. "Sorry," I hears Hayes say. "Yeah I seriously doubt you mean that," I sighed. "I didn't. Just trying to make you feel better," he smirked. I raised my hand. "Yes Hailey," the teacher said. "How long am I gonna have to sit by Mr. Grier," I asked nicely. "Till class is over," the teacher said. "Well ring ring. This class is now over," I said going to leave. "If you step out that door Miss. Patel your in Saturday detention," the teacher said. "Just cause you said it doesn't mean I have to come," I said leaving the class.

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