Chapter 32

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A girl. She looked familiar. Like I've seen her before. Then it hit me. The girl from the picture. The girl had was kissing. She walked towards me and smiled. "Hi im Zayla," she smiled. This girl is drop dead gorgeous. "Hi im Hailey," I fake smiled. In all reality I just wanted to be a sad puddle of emotions and lay lazily around my room. This feeling got stronger when I saw Hayes walk out of the bathroom. He walked over to her and wrapped his arm around her waist looking at me and saying, "Sup." Frickin sup. That's it. After everything that happened all he has to say to me is sup. I'm about to set fire to his ass. "Sup? Is that seriously all your gonna say to me. Your so frickin unbelievable," I said angrily. "What," he asked pretending like nothing happened. "You know what just go back to wherever the hell you came from," I said heading upstairs, locking my door. "What the hell Hayes. We brought you here cause he missed you," Emily yelled. "Well I don't miss her," he yelled back. "Then why did you come," she yelled back and everything went quiet. I couldn't hear anything else intill I heard a door slam. I unlocked my door and headed back downstairs to see Hayes still here. Everyone looked surprised. And then I noticed Danny was gone. "Hailey im so sorry," Emily said. "What did you do," I asked, just hoping and praying she didn't do what I think she did. "I accidently told Hayes you still loved him. I forgot Danny was here," she said sadly. I couldn't say anything. I wasn't mad at her. Its just a lot to take in. "You still love me," Hayes asked. "Not anymore asshole," I said running out the door towards Danny's. I knocked on his door and his mom answered. "Is Danny here," I asked. "Yeah. He's up in his room," she said letting me in. I went to his room and slowly opened the door hearing muffled sobs. "Danny," I said quietly. "Get out," he cried. "Let me explain."

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