Chapter 15

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When I pulled away Paul brought Danny into a hug. "You scared me," Paul cried. "I scared me too," Danny said starting to cry. That's when I heard my phone beep.

Babe: Come over
Hailey: Who is this?
Babe: Forgot me already princess?
Hailey: Hayes? How did you get my number?
Babe: I took your phone. Now come over
Hailey: No
Babe: Come on princess. We could have fun ;)
Hailey: Haha funny. Bye

With that I shut my phone off. "Who was that," Danny asked wiping his tears away. "Hayes." "God that guy doesn't know when to quit," Paul said. "Yeah seriously. But I'm gonna let you guys hang. I need to get home. Eat, do homework, shower," I said. "Well if your not doing anything later come over to Paul's where gonna be filming a video. You can be in it. "Should I be afraid of that sentence?" "No. We do YouTube," Paul laughed. "That's cool. But yeah if I'm not doing anything I'll come over. But what's your address," I asked. "196 Mary road. It's like down the street, take a left, go down 2 streets and then take another left. And there it is," Paul said. "Ok. Well bye guys," I smiled hugging both of them and leaving. When I walked into my house my dad was waiting for me. "You got detention," my dad asked. "Yes. But I have a good reason," I said. He crossed his arms wanting me to continue. "Danny got hit by a car, cause he pushed me out of the way of getting hit. So this kif Hayes was flirting with me in Science and I wasn't in the mood for his shiz," I explained. "You almost got hit by a car," he said worriedly. "Dad that's not the point," I sighed. "You could have died that's the point. I'm calling the school," he said walking away. God he never listens to me. I walked up yo my bedroom and shut the door going to do my homework when I heard a knock at my window.

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