Chapter 8

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"Feisty," he smirked and then leaned closer to my ear, "I like it." "I bet you do but I'm here for Hayes," I said. He groaned backing away. "Hayes. You have a visister," he yelled and then walked away. Hayes came running down the steps with my phone. "Give it back," I said annoyed. "How else was I suppose to get your attention," he smirked. I grabbed my phone out of his hands and walked away. I heard him sigh and shut the door. "Well I got it back," I sighed getting into the car. "Good. So Hailey do you like pizza," Danny asked. "Do I like Pizza? Who doesn't like pizza," I said. "I'll take that as a yes," he said starting to back up. We ended up going back to Danny's and ordering pizza. And then we watched Disney movies which I wasn't complaining. "So Hailey what do you want to watch next," Paul asked. "Do you have Big Hero 6," I asked. "Yeah," Danny said going to grab the disk. He popped it into the TV but half way through the movie I ended up getting a call from my dad. "I got to take this," I said heading outside. "Yeah," I said answering the phone. "You have school tomorrow where are you," he asked. "Across the street. I'll be home soon," I said. "Ok. Be safe. I'll see you when you get home," he said hanging up. I headed back inside and said goodbye to Danny and Paul and then headed back home. "Don't forget to feed your cat," my brother said as I walked into the door. "I will," I said heading to the kitchen and filling his food bowl. I headed upstairs and went to shut my curtian but I ended seeing Matt only in boxers probaly getting ready for bed. His eyes looked up and met mine. My face was probably really red as I quickly shut my curtain. "God now I have to see him tomorrow," I sighed. I quickly threw on some shorts and then went to sleep.

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