Chapter 36

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"Hailey it's time for your surgery," the doctor said. I gave Danny a kiss goodbye and the doctors wheeled me away. I was feeling so nervous. But why. This surgery is gonna go well. They did a even risker surgery before so I have full confidence in this one. The doctor im guessing noticed I was nervous. "Boyfriend," the doctor asked. "Yeah," I smiled. "He really cares about you," she smiled. "How can you tell," I asked. "Cause he's here for you." "Yeah. Danny's always been a sweet and caring guy," I said. Then my mind went to Hayes. She's a doctor. I doubt she'll talk to anyone. "But..... there's this other guy. His name is Hayes. He told me he loved me. Then he left and came back with a girlfriend," I said. She didn't answer. Maybe this is one I have to figure out on my own. She wheeled me into the surgery room and everyone started to prep me. "Ok Hailey. Count back from 10," the lady said hovering a mask over my mouth and nose. "1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6....7.......8...............," and with that I was under.

-After The Surgery-

The nurse wheeled me back into my room as I just started to wake up. "Hey babe," I weakly said smiling at Danny. "Hey. How did surgery go," he asked. "The surgery went well. She should be fine. But where gonna keep her here for 3 days to recover," the doctor smiled. "See babe. I told you I'd be fine," I said weakly laughing. "You did. But get some rest. It's late," he said kissing my forehead. "I am feeling a little tired," I yawned. "Then go to sleep. I'll be right here." I slowly nodded and laid, down getting comfortable. "Good night." "Good night," he smiled. And with that my eyes got heavy and I fell asleep. The next day when I woke up I heard a lot of people talking. "Shh guys you might wake her up," Emily said. "To late," Zach said noticing my eyes had opened. "When did you guys get here?"

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