Chapter 26

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"Your not gonna die. And even though I haven't known you long your like my only girl friend," Emily smiled hugging me. "Same," I laughed causing her to laugh too. The Zach walked up. "I don't think your gonna die," he said. "Bit if I do...," he cut me off. "You won't." "You don't know that. Just please," I cried. "I didn't know you long but your where a good friend. I kind of just wished we could of possibly been more," he blushed. Oh god. I never really thought about Zach like that. I thought he was cute when we first met. But we became friends and I thought he had a thing for Emily. "Your not saying anything. Is that good or a bad thing," Zach said snapping me out of my thoughts. Oh god lie or tell the truth? But I don't want to hurt his feelings. Curse me niceness. "I always kind of liked you," I smiled cringing alittle. He smiled and Paul walked up. "Your like me and Danny's only other friend. Try to stay strong," he smiled. "I'll try my best for you." Matt walked up. "I know your mad. And I understand why. I just was afraid of rejection," he said. "I understand. I forgive you," I sadly smiled. He nodded and walked off to the side and Danny walked up. "I kind of feel like this is my fault. I kissed you. And I felt sparks. But you didn't feel the same way," he said sadly. "That's where you wrong Danny. I did. But for me it was a new feeling. It terrified me," I confessed. "I...I love you," he cried. "I love you too," I cried too. He grabbed my hand but I couldn't feel it. I just kind of wanted to cry. "I...I can't feel your hand," I cried. "But you can feel this," he said kissing me. Sparks. Just like the first kiss. "Please don't leave me," he cried. "I'll try my hardest not too." I was excpecting Hayes to get mad or something but then I realized. He isn't even here.

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