Chapter 4

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"So I'm guessing your new here," he asked. "How did you know," I laughed. "Well I've never seen you around plus you didn't actually like those idiots," he said. "Why would anyone like them. There assholes," I laughed. "Well I know about 85% of the girls at school would agree sense Nash or Hayes took there virginity and then just left them. But watch out for Nash. Hayes can be sweet but Nash he isn't so nice," Matt said. "Wow. Well thanks for the warning," I said. "No problem. So do you need help finding the office or do you already have your schedule," he asked. "I don't. And yeah I need help finding it," I smiled. "Well then follow me," Matt said walking into the school. I followed him and he lead me to the office. "New girl," a lady at the desk asked Matt. "Yeah. This is Linda she can help you get your schedule but if you need help finding classes I'm sure you can find me," Matt smiled going to take off but Linda called him back. "She's got 1st with you Espinosa," she said handing me my schedule. "Well then follow me," he smiled walking out of the office. As we where walking out of the office some girl yelled out, "Hey Matt." "Sup," he said continuing to walk. "Hey Matt," 2 girls said winking at him. He just ignored them. "Espinosa. Nice game last night," a guy yelled. "Thanks," he smiled. "So your pretty popular," I said. "Yeah. I'm captain of the football team," he said. "Cool," I said looking forwards. My eyes locked with Hayes but Nash pulled him away. "So this is math," Matt said taking me out of my thoughts. "Ugh I hate math," I sighed. "Well just sit by me. We don't have assigned seats," Matt said. He went to sit down and some girl sat down next to him pushing me out of the way. "Hey Matthew," she smiled putting her hand on his chest. "Hi Cassidy," he said rolling his eyes.

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