Chapter 25

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My eyes opened and I screamed out in pain. "Someone get her back down before she messes up the surgery," someone yelled and with that I passed out again. Beep. Beep. Beep. My eyes fluttered open to see my dad and brother. "Hailey," my brother sadly smiled. I went to move my arm but I couldn't. "Why can't im move," I mumbled. "Hailey. When you got hit the driver snapped your spine out of place. Your paralyzed honey,' my dad said sadly. "No. This is some sick dream. Yeah that's it. I'm gonna wake up soon," I sadly smiled. My dad walked out of the room crying. "This isn't a dream is it," I said tearing up. My brother slowly shook his head no. "Can they reattach it," I asked. "They can. but you might not survive," my brother said sadly. "I'll do the surgery." "You would take that risk just to walk again," my brother asked angrily. "I have faith. Please don't be mad with my decision," I said. "Your taking a risk of killing yourself. So no. I'm not gonna be happy with your decision," my brother said leaving the room. I can do this. I'm not gonna die. I survived the car crash. So I can do this. I took in a deep breath and called out for my dad. "Yes," he sniffed walking into the room. He walked over to me and took my hand in his. But I couldn't feel a thing. "I'm doing the surgery. I need you to have faith that im gonna survive though. I also need you to call Zach, Emily, Danny, Paul, Matt, and Hayes," I said looking towards my phone. He nodded sadly and grabbed my phone going to call them. I may be mad at Matt but if I do die I need to tell the guys how I feel. About a half an hour later everyone showed up. "Hey guys," I smiled sadly. "Hey," they all sadly smiled back. "Your dad told us what happened," Zach said. "Well then I need you guys to tell me everything you need to just incase I die," I choked out.

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