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A raven-haired, tattooed man was on top of an orange-haired man. In the rain. Sounds romantic, right? Well, both of these men were out to kill each other.

"A little cliché, don't you think?" The raven-haired man smirked a bit at his opponent.

"What's that supposed to mean?" The orange-haired man asked in return, still pinned to the ground.

"Bad guy pinning down the good gu--" The man with the tattoos was cut off and flung into a tree, groaning in pain as he slid down to the ground.

"Yes, but the good guy always wins, doesn't he?" The orange-haired man brushed off his pure white suit as he got up and strolled over to his complete opposite. "Frank?" He knelt down next to Frank, looking truly sorry.

Frank didn't hesitate to take the man staring at him by the throat, and slam him into the tree. "How the hell do you know my name? In fact, who the hell are you?"

After a quick cough, the man replied. "Gerard.. my name is Gerard. I know many things.." He glanced up at Frank, not afraid, but not at ease, either.

"Well, no shit. You can't just know someone's name and not know a thing or two." Frank knelt next to Gerard, staring him straight in the eyes as his own flashed red. Gerard's eyes flashed blue afterwards, and Frank simply sighed and got up.

"I wouldn't get too attached, if I were you, Gerard.. the angel." Frank said, with a bit of a smirk.

"That will be difficult, Frank.. the demon." Gerard stood up slowly, still slightly in pain, but he managed to crack out a smirk as well.

Frank rolled his eyes, quickly looking over the angel before him in the process. He moved a bit closer, causing a blush to rise to Gerard's cheeks. The demon chuckled lightly.

"Yeah. That's what I thought."

A Fine Line (Frerard)Where stories live. Discover now