One To Another

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Before Gerard could even think about what was happening, he was encased in shroud of darkness. He seemed to be floating in midair and he was alone.

"H-Hello?" His voice was timid and small and he only had a small amount of hope for an answer. What was happening to him?



Frank seemed to appear in front of Gerard, a warm smile across his face, "Don't worry. You're alright."

"What's going on? Why am I here? Is Mikey okay? Wh-" A soft finger was pressed against Gerard's lips, halting his words.

"Enough questions, Gee. I promise everything's okay."

Gerard gave Frank a look over, "You're real, right?"

"As real as I'll ever be."

"Oh, yeah? Then, where's your scorpion tattoo?"

"Don't worry about it."

"No. No, I will. You're not my Frank."

"Hm," Frank's voice had changed, "you're a lot smarter than I thought you were."

"Wait, you're not-"

"The one and only," Frank changed into Brendon, only he wasn't his normal self. He was grey, had horns, and threatening, yellow eyes, "Hello, Gerard."



"Why did you send Billie Joe after my brother?"

"It's quite simple," Brendon snapped his fingers, summoning a chair for himself, "Frank was one of my best demons. Then you came along, a distraction. Distractions to my best demons need to be eliminated, but because I'm, well, me, I have my ways of carrying out such tasks. I take away bits and pieces of said distractions, start big, then go for everything else until.."


"Until..." Brendon looked at Gerard and smirked, "Well, why would I tell you?"

"Why didn't you just go for me directly and leave Mikey out of this?"

"Aw, what's the fun in that?"

Gerard sighed, looking around at nothing in particular. What could he look at? Everything was dark as night, "Why have you trapped me here?"

"Turns out you're a distraction to more of my demons than one, my best and one of my best. I can't let that continue, now can I?"

"What do you plan on doing with me?"

"Keep you here until Billie Joe has finished his assignment. Maybe longer. Oh, wait.." Brendon glanced over at Gerard, "Much longer."


He groaned, annoyed, "It's just 20,000 questions with you, isn't it? You're just.. you," He noticed Gerard's confused look, "I'm not explaining because then, you'll get it and I can't have that. So, make yourself comfortable. Or don't, won't make any difference to me. You'll be here a while."
"He wants to kill me? Why does this keep happening?" Mikey groaned, flopping onto his couch, exasperated.

"Yeah.. sorry about all this, kid," Frank walked over him and gave him a pat on his shoulder, "and that I'm not all that great at sentimental shit like this."


"And that I tried to kill you last time, happy?"

"I'm okay, I guess, but at the same time, I'm not cuz apparently someone else wants to kill me?! Why? What'd I do?"

"You did nothing. Brendon's just an asshole who just hates Gerard for.. some reason."


"My boss."

"Well, what's he got against Gerard?"

"Oh, I have an idea, but I can't tell you," He gave a nonchalant shrug, "Whoops."
Ever thought about spending two hours with Satan in a dark space you can't escape from? Maybe you have, maybe you haven't, but it's not as fun as it sounds. Especially when Satan could not give less of a shit about you.

"Billie Joe's sure taking his sweet-ass time," Brendon rolled his eyes, annoyed and bored.

"Why don't you go check and see what's taking him so long?"

Brendon shot Gerard a look, "I'm not an idiot, I'm not leaving you alone."

"Why not?" Gerard whined.

"Well, aren't you just a whiny little bitch?" He said, clearly irritated, "I have other ways to check up on him, but I trust him. He knows how to do his job. Unlike Frank lately."

"You said yourself Frank's one of your best demons," Gerard had a bit of a smirk on his face.

"I said 'was,' smartass. Don't get cocky with me," He raised his fingers up, ready to snap, "Someone still needs air to breathe.."

"You don't scare me."

Brendon didn't hesitate to snap his fingers, "What's the fun in being me if you don't scare anyone?"

Gerard quickly pulled at his tie, trying to get some air in his system. He looked over at Brendon hopefully, receiving a cold look and an eye roll before Brendon snapped his fingers again.

"Thank you.." He coughed.

"Don't thank me. That was just a lame way to go out."

"You've could've let me choke.."

"What, do you want me to?"


"Then, do me a huge favour, and shut up."
"If it has to do with my brother, then I wanna know about it."

"Well, unless you want your brother, and to a lesser extent, me, killed, then you should really stop asking."

Mikey sighed, leaning back into the couch, "Your job sounds insane."

"It's a living and a lifestyle. I've learned to get used to it. Not much I can do to change it," Frank shrugged and glanced at Mikey, his glance soon turning into a glare, "Don't give me that look."

"What look?"

"That pity look."

"It's just my face!"

"Uh huh..."

Too much pity in one day for Frank's liking. Any pity is enough to last an eternity for him. Oops, he's an accidental-but-totally-on-purpose-cuz-Brendon-sucks demon, oops, he can't do anything about it. Boo hoo. Big whoop. He's moved on, why couldn't the rest of the world?

"Frank?" A knock and a familiar voice came at Mikey's door.

"Gerard?" Frank got up from the couch to answer the door, and seeing Gerard's smiling face on the other side of the door.

"Sorry I took so long," He gave Frank a quick hug and stepped inside.

"It's..okay. Um, where's Billie Joe?" Frank closed the door behind him.

"Oh, that's not important. What's important is that Mikey's okay, right?" Gerard's white tie flashed a familiar green for a split second, catching Frank's eye.


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