I Can't Say I Love You

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"Don't worry so much about it, Gerard. Mikey's sleeping and when he wakes up, he won't remember a thing. He'll be fine, and so will we," Lindsey smiled a bit as she looked at Gerard who was sitting on Mikey's bed.

Mikey's head was on Gerard's lap as he absentmindedly played with his brother's hair, "How can you be so sure?"

"I was pretty thorough when I wiped your memory, wasn't I?" She chuckled and sat down next to him.

"There isn't any other reason behind it? Just.. I was happy with Frank and you didn't want my past relationship with you to bring me down?"

"There's more to it, I'll admit, but there's never really a great time to explain.."

"What about right now? It's just us, Mikey's out cold. You can tell me." He smiled, making Lindsey playfully sigh.

"You always used to pull that smile of yours to get me to tell you what's up. I see that hasn't changed."

"I pulled it a lot on Frank, too. Guess I just have a way with people," Gerard chuckled a bit to himself, but then realized, "Frank.. He wouldn't leave like that unless he was really upset."

Lindsey shrugged, "He seemed pretty casual to me."

"That's just how he is. He doesn't like me worrying about him."

"Gerard, this is really-"

"Lindsey, I've gotta see if he's okay."

Lindsey sighed, but nodded supportively, "Alright. It can wait."

"I swear I'll be back as soon as I can, then we can talk."

"Yeah.. yeah, no worries."

"Thanks, Lynz. You're the best." He gave her a warm smile then disappeared.

"You have no idea.."
"Frank?" Gerard had him on the phone, "Where are you?"

"Where the fuck do you think?"

"You're angry with me."

"No, just.. ugh. Get over here.. nerd."

Gerard knew exactly where Frank was talking about. The cork tree.

He was right.


"Don't give me your shit, Gerard." Frank looked anywhere but at Gerard.

"I deserve that.." He sat down next Frank who scooted further away, "Feel like talking to me about why you just left?"

"I wasn't needed. I took it as my cue to leave."

"Frank, if you haven't noticed, I'm always gonna need you."

"Oh, yeah? Gerard, I don't think you understand what you've already got. Your brother, your ultra-cool, ultra-powerful archangel ex, all your angel friends-"

"You. I've got you, too."

"Yeah, but you don't need me."

Frank didn't expect it. Gerard didn't expect it, but he just felt it and went with it. He just pressed his lips softly against Frank's for the first time in five years. Frank liked it, a lot, but he couldn't bring himself to say he loved it. Even if he felt like he did.

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