The Good The Bad and The Dirty

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Holy Helena, (yep I'm uber lame) thank you guys so much for 100+ reads! How that's possible, I have no clue, but thanks!!
Gerard hadn't forgotten about Frank's letter, in fact, he had it tucked into the pocket of his blazer as he walked up the many white marble steps to a building as tall as about five of him. Eight intricately carved white marble pillars stood regally up front with gold patterns embedded into the tops and bottoms of the pillars, making them that much more professional and intimidating.

He was met as the top of the seemingly endless stairs with a smile from a from a man with faded blonde hair and blue eyes, one more dilated than the other.

"Ah, Gerard. I'm glad you could make the journey," The man chuckled, patting Gerard's shoulder.

"A-Are you..? You c-couldn't be.. D-David Bowie?" Gerard was absolutely starstruck, Bowie has always been a hero of his.

The man simply replied with a wink and gestured for Gerard to come inside, "We've got better things to talk than my name."

"But what about the Bible and everything? You were such an icon for the LGBTQ+ community."

"People hear what they want, Gerard. That's all I can say about that," He led Gerard into a simple room with average office furniture, but with a Ziggy Stardust aesthetic color scheme, "Come, sit. We have lots to discuss."
"I brought Ryan so you wouldn't kill me in cold blood," Frank strolled into Brendon's office, taking his usual seat with Ryan walking over and standing behind Brendon.

"Who said I wouldn't?"

"Brendon!" Ryan crossed his arms.

"Alright, alright. I'm not mad at you. I've just got a few questions."

"Whatcha got?"

"First off, how'd you pull off even remembering your actual life? I know you're not powerful enough to do that kinda stuff yourself, so obviously you got help."

"Billie Joe."

"Ah, I should've suspected that from him."

"Yeah, he's a powerful dude. What else?"

"You know what I do to guys who break like.." He paused for a minute and silently counted, "Five rules?"

"Let them go visit their boyfriends?" Frank was hopeful for about a split second before Brendon's face fell into a frown.

He chuckled sarcastically, "That's very cute that you would think that. Real answer is I tear you into literal pieces and toss ya into that pit out there," Brendon pointed behind him to a large pool of molten lava, "Sitting comfortably?"


"Good enough. Anyway, because you're you, I'll let you go. Not before I tell you," Brendon scooted his chair closer to Frank, "Quit trying to keep shit from me. I do find out eventually. One of these times, the outcome will not be in your favour," He scooted his chair back to its original spot, "Now get out. I have some very important business to attend to," He flashed a smile to Ryan as Frank got up to leave.

"Got it. See ya." Frank shut the door behind him.
"So, what did you want to discuss with me, Mr. Bowie?" It took Gerard a moment to settle on calling him Mr. Bowie, but it seemed formal enough.

"Please, call me David. Gerard, you can relax. I know you don't really talk like that. You don't have to impress me when you already have," David smiled.

"I impressed you? That's seems a little backwards," Gerard's voice relaxed to its normal state.

"It's true, though. Anyone else would've simply gone through with their job, no questions asked, but you were curious. You're not afraid to do something that's out of the ordinary. That's good."

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