Change In Atmosphere

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Was stealing a guitar for a good cause still considered stealing? At that moment, Frank could not give less of a damn whether it was a crime or not. He just knew he needed a guitar, and he didn't feel like paying. That's all there was to it.

Gerard, however, really wasn't concerning himself with committing possible crimes. He was editing a few songs he had been working on. He had a surprising amount of downtime as of late, and he decided to put it to good use. Well, a use, anyway. Gerard spent the most time on songs he had written either for or about Frank.


What was that sound?

"Can I be the only hope for you because you're the only hope for me.." Frank continued, standing outside of Gerard's house in heaven, strumming softly on an acoustic guitar. How he got the guitar didn't even matter to Gerard, he just melted into the sound of Frank's singing.

"Face all the pain and take it on because the only hope for me is you alone.." He strummed the final chord, and finally met Gerard's eyes, smiling. "Sorry it's not done yet. I haven't had time to work on i-"

Frank's speech was interrupting by his angel of a boyfriend flying out his window to hug him tightly, "I don't care, Frankie.." He was on the verge of tears, "That was beautiful.."

"Oh... it wasn't that good.."

"Come on, give yourself a little credit. That was great!" Gerard chuckled and pulled Frank inside of his house, "I'm so glad you're back. Again."

"Yeah. I'm sorry.."

"For what?"

"You keep having to deal with my shit, like not remembering you and that whole mess.."

"Yeah.." Gerard took Frank's hand and sat down on the couch, "but everything's still okay. Frank, if I wanted to give up on you, I would've done it a long time ago, but I know that you just need someone. I want to be that someone."

"I want that, too."

"I know, Frankie," Gerard softly kissed his cheek, "That's why I'm here."

Frank flashed Gerard a smile, then got wrapped up in his thoughts. How many times is this going to happen again? Was Gerard ever actually going to get sick of him? What's going to happen to Ryan when Brendon found out he told him what was up? What was he gonna do if-

"Frank? Frank, I've been trying to talk to you for like two full minutes," Gerard waved a hand in front of Frank's face, trying to snap him out of his thoughts.

"Hm?" Frank quickly shook his head, "Oh, sorry.. I was just thinking.."

"Way too hard and way too much. Now, what are you so worried about?"

"One hell of a lot."

"We've got plenty of time. Spill."

Frank sighed, he didn't even know where to begin, "Alright, fine," He leaned back casually on the couch. "First off, me forgetting you is happening way too often. It's really not fair to you if I'm just bein' all shitty to you, and you just have to.. I dunno, take it? I already feel like an ass of a boyfriend and that whole situation is not helping. Second, Satan himself is probably gonna kill his boyfriend because he was the one who told me what was up this time. Great guy, I know. But Ryan's such a sweet guy. I don't want him to get iced because he helped me out, y'know? Back to you again, I know you're gonna get sick of me sometime."

"Frank, that's-"

"Gerard, don't. Everyone does. I've gotten used to it. Look, I know you're into me and everything, but let's be honest here. I'm really more of a charity case to you, aren't I?"

"Of course not."

"Don't lie to me, Gee. No sugarcoating, I can take it."

"I'm not lying!"

Frank scoffed, "Yeah, right. With how much of a screw up I am-"

"Stop saying that!" Gerard wasn't really angry with Frank, he was angrier at the words that tumbled out of Frank's mouth with such ease. It was infuriating to him, "You know I hate when you talk like that.. Frank, I just don't get it, enlighten me. How do you--no--how can you think so little of yourself? It just... amazes me that you think you're nothing when you're everything. At least to me. Can't you see? I-I care about you, so much, and I just can't help it. You're so caring, so wonderful, and yet you're so blind," Gerard chuckled, not in a funny way, more sarcastically, "'A screw up' or 'a charity case,' unbelievable! That's actually.. insane. Frank, how can you even think like that? I just don't get it."


Gerard nodded, "Please."

"It's just always how I've seen myself. I know you try to help, Gee, and I really appreciate that. I do, believe me. I just can't help it."

"Okay.." Gerard sighed, "Okay, fine. Just. Promise me you'll stop talking about yourself like that?"

"Alright, I promise."

"Good," Gerard hugged him tightly, smiling, "because I care too much about you to see you sad."

"I know," Frank hugged back, "I care about you, too.. you big lovey nerd."
"Ryan, what the hell?!" Brendon glared at Ryan who rolled his eyes and crossed his arms, clearly not even concerned about Brendon's anger.

"What, just because you screwed with Frank's relationship, I should just follow you blindly?"

"I didn't ask for your sass."

"I didn't ask for you to be an ass."

"Don't you rhyme at me."

Ryan scoffed, "Oh, please. I do what I want. Isn't that what you always say, Bren?"

"Close. I always get what I want, and what I want is those two split up. That Gerard kid is messing everything up, and you having a big ass mouth is not helping anything!"

"I'm helping them, that's something."

"You're wasting your own time," Brendon let out an exasperated sigh, rolling his eyes as well, "I really hate you sometimes."

"Not true. You just hate it when I don't side with you all the time. Sorry, babe, but I have a soul. Kinda. Okay, not really, I guess, but I'm at least a nice person."

"Well, sorry to you, then, babe, but I'm Satan. Being.." He shuddered a bit, "nice is not something I do."

"Believe me, I know."

"Ah, but there's plenty of things you don't know about me."

Ryan raised a curious eyebrow, "Like what?"
Well. This chapter was a rollercoaster. I haven't decided whether the next one will be better or worse.

hehe I guess we'll have to see, now won't we? ~hilaremCantor

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