Another Destination

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"Frank, the hell is taking you so long? Arms aren't too far from the throat, you could've went for it! My patience is running short, but lucky for you, I happen to find you entertaining, so you get a chance to explain yourself. What happened?" Brendon raised a suspicious eyebrow at the tattooed man sitting in the leather chair across from him.

"I don't know, Brendon. This Gerard guy... He's so odd. Kinda cryptic, too. Thinks he knows me and everything about me, it's really weird. I don't think we've ever met before, I definitely would have remembered a face like that." Frank sat back in his chair, running through his memories.

"Hm, Gerard? Does he have a last name?"

"If he does, he hasn't mentioned it."

"Anything distinctive about him?" Brendon turned his chair to face a large blood stained bookshelf, pulling out a huge book and setting it on his desk.

"Uh, round face, hazel eyes."

"That could literally be anyone."

"Orange dyed hair, small teeth."

"Small teeth? Why were you looking at his teeth?"

"He talks a lot. He's got this god complex or something, it's really annoying, honestly."

"Okay.. Height?"

"Taller than me."

"No shit, everyone is. Got a guess?"

"Mm...About 5'9" or so maybe."

Brendon flipped opened the big book and scanned through the pages, "Alright. Hm... Gerard...there! Gerard Way." He turned the book around so Frank could read up on his assignment.

"Gerard Way, huh?" Frank muttered to himself as he took a glance at the information, his focus mostly being toward Gerard's weaknesses. "Well, he's never not carried through with an assignment, y'know, except for me. Weak." He rolled his eyes, then something caught his eye. "Hm. So, our little angel has a little brother? Mikey Way."

"Is he still alive?" Brendon chimed in.

"Yep, lives in Jersey. Maybe I could pay him a visit?"

Brendon smiled devilishly in agreement. Of course devilishly. He was the Devil after all.

"Here." He passed Frank a feather pen to write with, "Scare him a little with a warning."

"Alright." Frank snatched a loose piece of paper and began writing.
"Gerard, you know I'm your best friend, but I can't keep bailing you out like this. When are you finally gonna get this guy?" Ray inquired, actually quite curious as to what was going on with his friend.

"Soon. He said there would be a next time." Gerard let his head fall against his palm.

"Round three better be the last round."

"Something tells me it won't be--"

"Yeah, well, it better be." Pete appeared behind Gerard, earning no reaction from the latter.

"Ah, Pete. What a lovely surprise." Gerard rolled his eyes at the dark-haired man.

"I'm sure it is. Anyway, lucky for you, I didn't come to pester you."

"Who are you, and what have you done with the real Pete?" Gerard teased, giving Pete a playful nudge to the arm.

"Yeah, yeah. What I really came here for was to give you your mail." Pete passed Gerard a red wax stamp sealed letter written on obviously aged paper addressed to him with semi-sloppy handwriting.

'Gerard,' The letter started, 'Remember what I said about weakness? Yeah, well, I think I just found yours. The name Mikey Way ring any bells? A little brother of yours maybe? Still alive and still admires his big bro so much. How sweet. I've got intel on his whereabouts, so if you want him to stay alive and admiring, you'll meet me at his house in an hour. Don't keep me waiting. Tick tock. -Frank.'

"Mikey..." That was all Gerard managed to get out, and it was barely audible.

"Is he okay?" Ray heard him.

"Not for long. I've gotta go." He got up quickly, then turned to Ray and Pete. "You guys are right. Round three will be the last."
A casual knock on his front door woke Mikey from his mid-afternoon power nap. Glancing over at the clock and seeing it read 4:47 pm, he realised now was a good time to wake up.

The knocking came again, just a tad more impatient this time.

"Coming!" Mikey called, sleepily making his way over to the door and opened it to see a dark haired, tattooed man, shorter than him by a few inches with a friendly smile across his face.

"Um, not to be rude, but.. who are you?" Mikey said, still a bit tired.

"I'm Frank, just a friend of Gerard's."

"Gerard? You knew my brother?"

"Yeah. He was a cool guy." Frank had to push back a laugh, but he didn't make it obvious.

"Yeah, he was. Wanna come in?" Mikey opened the door wider to let Frank in.

Just before Mikey could completely close the door, there was another knock, much more frantic than Frank's.

"Mikey, open up! It's me, Gerard!"

Mikey's face paled as he just stared in surprise at the door, "No. No, no, no. I-It can't be you. You died, what, five years ago! Is this a s-sick prank?"

"No! You've got to believe it's me. Please open the door." Gerard had calmed down a bit by now.

Mikey turned to Frank, still in shock, "C-Could you...?"

Frank shrugged in reply as he made his way over to the door. "Sure, no problem."

He quickly opened the door to find Gerard glaring at him, but completely snapping out of it to smile brightly at Mikey.

"I'm so glad you're alright." Gerard's face only brightened more and he walked over to his brother to give him a hug.

"Uh, yeah. Why wouldn't I be?"

"He's here."

"Who, Frank?"


"You called?" Frank strolled over to the Way brothers with a bit of a smirk on his face.

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