Behind Closed Doors

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"What do you want with my brother, you little... insect?" Gerard had let go of Mikey at this point to glare at Frank.

Frank rolled his eyes. "Wow, funny way to greet your friend."

"Oh, drop the act. We are not friends."

"What are you talking about?" Mikey chimed into the conversation.

Frank gave a chuckle in reply, and Mikey turned to Gerard for an explanation.

"He's not--"

"Gerard, please," Frank interjected, "I'm sure I can explain myself better than you can."

Gerard turned to look at Frank, arms crossed and hips slightly to one side, "Proceed, then."

"Thank you, Princess. Anyway..." He walked over to Mikey, putting an arm
around him, "Bye!" Frank wiggled his fingers in a waving fashion, then vanished with Mikey.

"What the-- Way to explain!" Gerard ran out of the house, and took off flying, carefully surveying the nearby area.
"So... Why are we just in my room?" Mikey asked after about 20 minutes after "vanishing."

"Your brother's an idiot, that's why. If he would have even thought to look in your house, he would have found you already." Frank explained simply, opening the bedroom door slightly and walking out with Mikey following close behind.

"Okay, well, he's not an idiot! He's just very impulsive."

"Yeah, whatever." Frank glanced over at the front door that was wide open. "Wow. At least close the goddamn door when you leave, asshole." He rolled his eyes and closed the door a little more forcefully than he needed to.

"So, what happens now?" Mikey asked, casually plopping onto the couch in the living room.

"That, Mikey, depends on if you're really annoying or not."
It had been about 3 hours since Mikey and Frank's disappearance, and Gerard had searched just about everywhere in Jersey. He sat up against a tree, trying to recall anywhere he hadn't throughly searched. Though, the tree didn't really help. In fact, it was rather distracting. All the carving of initials with sloppily-made hearts carved around them just left Gerard in a rather saddened state of mind.

A familiar ring of his phone broke his train of thought, "Hello?"

"Were you horrible at hide and seek as a kid?" A voice that Gerard certainly didn't want to hear right then rang through the phone's speakers.

"No. Actually I was rather excellent at the game. Why do you ask?"

Frank gave a little chuckle, "That's really hard to believe cuz you suck at finding people. Let me guess, you were more of a hider?"

"Cut it out! What have you done with Mikey? Is he alright? I swear if he's hurt--"

"Calm down! He hasn't annoyed me to no end just yet, so he's fine. He almost got himself tied to a chair because he wouldn't shut the hell up until I finally pitied you enough to call you, though." Frank's voice was suddenly cut off and a fumble of two voices were heard until it settled on one.

"Gerard?" A different voice rang through the phone, one Gerard actually wanted to hear. The voice sounded out of breath and tired, but he would question that later.

"Mikey? I'm so glad you're okay! You are okay, right? You sound like you just ran a mile."

"Yeah, yeah, I'm fine. I just wrestled Frank's phone away from him for a second, literally. He should be back soon since I'm pretty sure he saw me hide in the hall closet," Gerard could hear knocking in the background as Mikey spoke. It wasn't frantic or threatening, just hard enough to scare someone a bit.

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