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"Frank? What are you doing here?" Billie Joe's voice became menacing, "I thought I told you why I had to do this."

"I know, but this is wrong."

"Why the hell do you care about what's right and wrong? You sound like such an angel, and yes, Gerard, offensive was intended."

Gerard simply rolled his eyes, and let Frank continue, "There's a reason for that, but it's not important now," He let go of Gerard's hand and walked over to Billie Joe, "What matters is getting rid of this damn tie so you can think straight."

"You don't think I've tried? Frank, I'm not an idiot, you're not an idiot. We should both know that things crafted by Brendon are indestructible unless he destroys it himself," Billie Joe glanced at Mikey who had a terrified look on his face, and tapped his forehead, making him fall asleep.

"What did you do?" Frank noticed Mikey's eyes closing.

"Relax! He's just asleep. For right now."

"Frank?" Gerard walked over to him.


"Could you take Mikey inside and lay him somewhere?"

"Uh, sure?" Frank looked at Mikey for a moment before deciding to just carefully drag him inside since he was too tall for Frank to pick him up.

"Well?" Billie Joe piped up, "I know you just got rid of Frank because you wanted to do something with me. If you're gonna do something, make it quick. I've got a job to do."



Gerard chuckled, "I know all I need to know now."

"Oh yeah, smart guy? What do you know?"

"You and Frank are so similar. Well, you're similar to how Frank was when I first met him again."

"Let me stop you right there because you don't even know the half of it, but I'm not gonna retell that whole story again cuz it was a pain to live through the first time," He moved closer to Gerard, "I'll just tell you that you know nothing about me other than that I could kill you very easily. And that brother of yours?" He chuckled lightly, "Like snapping a toothpick."

"You're not going to lay another hand on my brother," Gerard was calm as he stared Billie Joe in the face.

"I ask again, how are you gonna stop me?"

"I don't know, but you can bet your ass that I will."

"Whoa, bold words from a pure little thing like you. Unfortunately," Billie Joe forcefully kicked Gerard toward a tree that was a mile away, "talk is cheap."

Gerard's wings caught him before he slammed into the tree and he quickly flew up in the clouds to think for a second.

"Now, now, Gerard. This isn't hide and seek," Billie Joe knocked him down onto the ground, leaving a crater around him, "How is that I'm left over here without a scratch or a mark on me and you're laying in a hole with a tattered suit?" He hovered above the crater, teasing Gerard.

"I haven't done much yet, but," Gerard hopped out of the crater, taking Billie Joe by the collar, "that's going to change quickly," He flung him in a park bench that was nearby.

Billie Joe chuckled and got up quickly, seemingly unharmed, "Anything that this tie could do is one hell of a lot worse than anything you could dish out."

"Tie?" Gerard floated next to him, "What do you mean?"

"Not important. You couldn't do anything about it anyway. It's indestructible."

"Says you."

"What, you think you can destroy it?" Billie Joe snapped his fingers then pointed to the ground, making Gerard drop down to his feet, "Take your best shot, kid."

Gerard pulled a knife out of a pocket inside his blazer, and took the tie in his hand. Billie Joe remained unamused and ambiguous as Gerard attempted to cut the tie.

"Okay, you're gonna have to try a little harder than that."

"Well, then what do you suggest I do?"

"Something better than a blade, but I wouldn't waste my time. I've tried everything myself."

"You've tried to get rid of the tie?"

"Of course! Now, I have to get back to my mission, y'know, unless I just want to let this thing keep burning the skin off my neck."

"Oh.. uh. I-I'm sorry-"

"Save it. It's not you. I just haven't completed my mission soon enough for Brendon's liking. Gotta keep his highness happy, but I guess you know what that's like cuz, y'know, isn't God your boss?"

"I guess, but," Gerard looked at him hopefully, "Please don't hurt Mikey."

"I don't have a choice," He pulled down his collar a bit to show Gerard the burns around his neck, "I'm sorry, but I've gotta do what I've gotta do."
It had been quiet for a while before Frank decided to actually go outside and check to make sure no one died. It was a real possibility with those two.

"Gee?" He opened the front door, "Billie Joe?"

No answer. Well, not from Gerard or Billie Joe.

"Frank? What are you doing here? A-Are you gonna try to kill me again?" Mikey had woken up and looked absolutely petrified.

"No, no, calm down. I wouldn't want you to whack me with that oh-so-threatening pillow of yours."

"Oh, whatever. Hey, where's Gerard and that other guy?"

"I don't know, and that's pretty worrying."


Frank sighed, turning to look at Mikey, "Look, I hate to break it to you, but Billie Joe is just gonna tack on to your great string of a pretty shitty last couple of weeks."

Mikey scoffed, "Tell me about it. First, you, then Gerard is somehow not dead, and now this guy. What does he want anyway?"

"Oh... just to kill you.."
side note: has anyone else noticed angels (Gerard, in the situation) just haven't cussed up until this chapter? I mean, completely intentional, but just thought I'd bring it up. 😋 Sorry this one's shorter!


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