Locked Away

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Just in case anyone wondered or forgot, I certainly did, this is basically Chapter 20!
"Alright, assholes, you can let me out now," Frank sat in the corner of a dark, cold, stone holding cell with two guard angels outside of it.

"Not yet. Not until someone comes and gets you, demon," One of the guards piped up.

"Uh, I have a name, thank you very much."

"Oh, we know."

"Then why don't you use it?"

"We don't have to."

Frank rolled his eyes, "Fine. Just.. whatever," He sat back against the wall and pulled out his phone to text Gerard.

'Hey, Gee? I'm kind of in Angel jail or something stupid like that. Mind coming and getting me? xoFrnk'

'Oh and I'm not sure why they didn't snag my phone from me when they threw me in my lovely cell. Very efficient staff ya got here. xoFrnk'

Frank sat around for a few minutes, waiting for Gerard's reply and tapping out a rhythm on his knees. His phone screen lit up after a while with a message.

'I'll be up in a sec. How'd you get thrown in jail? I left you alone for like, what, an hour or so? xoxog'

'Pete and Patrick came by, but my guess is the former considering, from what you've said anyway, he's kind of an ass. xoFrnk'

'Hm. Mental note to seriously tell him off later. I'm right outside the jail place. Don't worry, I'll spring you soon!😜 xoxog'

Frank smiled a bit to himself as he heard familiar footsteps coming down the hall.

"Joe, Andy, release Frank from that cell right now," Gerard's voice was threatening and stern, a tone that intrigued Frank as he had never heard Gerard sound that mad at someone before.

"But, Gerard-" Joe started to speak.

"'But, Gerard' nothing. You heard me," Gerard crossed his arms, glaring at the two of them.

Joe nodded, fumbling with the keys, but Andy stopped him, "We don't have to do anything."

Gerard focused his gaze on Andy, "You're really gonna go there?"

"Yes. We don't have to listen to you."

"I guess not, I'm not an archangel after all, but," Gerard chuckled sarcastically to himself, "I do know someone who's very high up."

"Oh, yeah? Who?"

"Oh.. no one special. Just, God."

Joe scoffed, "Yeah, right."

"Why would I lie about that? In fact, when have I ever lied to you?"

"Well..." Andy thought it over for a moment, "Never-"

"Exactly. Now, let him go."

"Gerard, he's a demon," Joe started to put the key in the door, "Are you sure?"

"Of course."

Andy rolled his eyes, "Your funeral.." He muttered to himself.

"What was that?" Gerard shot him a cold look.

"Oh, nothing."

"Uh huh.."

Joe finally opened the door, and Frank got up, walking out, "Well, gentlemen," He flashed them both a small, meaningless smile, "This has been a blast."

"Don't push it," Andy warned.

"Whatever," Frank gave them a little wave and started to walk off down the hall with Gerard following close behind, "See ya!"
"First off, Gee. Do the thing." Frank smiled at Gerard.

"What thing?"

"Oh, you know the thing?"

"Wh-oh. That's easy, though."

"Then do it."

"Fine. Harawr."

"Yes! I love how you say 'horror'! It's so cool!"

Gerard chuckled, "It's just how I talk."

"Not like five minutes ago it wasn't. What was all that?"

"They had you locked in a cage, and for what? Just being a demon? That's stupid!"

"I guess, but they have their right to be cautious. I am a pretty dangerous guy," Frank smirked mischievously.

"Alright, tough guy," Gerard chuckled and smiled at him, "I better get you back before you get thrown in jail again."

"Aw, so soon?"

"Yeah, I know, but we can hang out all day tomorrow, if you want?"

"You know I do," He gave Gerard a small hug and a wave, "See ya, babe," and he was gone.
Frank was immediately met with Ryan right on the other side of the gates of hell, giving him a sympathetic look.

"Uh, Ryan? Something wrong?" Frank gave Ryan a perplexed look back.

"Brendon's just an asshole," Ryan mumbled to himself as he opened the gates, letting Frank in.

Frank looked even more confused as he stepped in, "You're just now figuring this out?"

"No.." Ryan sighed, "It's just.. he told me about the stuff he did to you. I'm really sorry."

"Why does everyone keep apologising?!"


"Like, it's in the past! It's not like it can be changed because Brendon's too much of a piss baby with daddy issues to do anything about it. That, and he sees this.. weird 'potential' or something in me and I'm not about to disagree with Satan cuz I like my head where it is and not dismembered from my body."

"Um.. well, alright then.."

Frank sighed, "Sorry, it's just I'm just sick of hearin' it, y'know?"

"Yeah, I get that, I guess."

"Frank!" A familiar voice appeared behind Frank, startled him a bit as he and Ryan turned around.

"Billie Joe, what are you doing here?" Frank was pretty casual about it, but Ryan stood there absolutely astonished.

"Thought I'd come and check in on ya."

"Wait," Ryan cut in, "Frank, how are you friends with Billie Joe Armstrong? Y'know, one of the most dangerous-"

"The most dangerous, thank you very much," Billie Joe interrupted for a moment, but let Ryan continue.

"The most dangerous demon in hell? Ever?"

"What, just because he's ultra powerful and easily snap his fingers and kill someone- okay, I see now. But, he's pretty cool once you get to know him."

"Don't worry, little guy," He gave Ryan a playful slug on the arm, "I won't hurt you."

"'Little guy?' I'm taller than you."

"Don't push your luck, kid," Billie Joe turned to look at Frank, "So, how's it going with that boyfriend of yours?"

"Pretty good, why?"

"Take a look at my new assignment."

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