FAQ/tying up loose ends

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Yes. A Fine Line has come to a close. *insert both cheering and crying here* I may or may not make a sequel, but at this moment, I think it's good where it is. Anyway! I figured you might be curious about the fates of the characters? Yay! If you're not, well.. then I guess you can just skip this and you're done with the story, but for those who are interested, keep reading!

Gerard-He realises his mistake when he tried to help Frank gain back his memory previous times. He was trying only to bring back their past. So, Gerard takes this opportunity to start completely over with Frank so they can have a second chance and make it work.

Frank-With his zero recollection of Gerard or anything that had happened involving him, Frank merely thinks of Gerard as an archangel who isn't that bad. I mean, Frank's still a cocky asshole like he was before who thinks he could take Gerard in a fight and subconsciously knows he would lose. But let's be real, a cocky asshole wouldn't let that show. Gerard and Frank remain on good terms, of course, because of Frank's deal to never have Gerard be an assignment again. You're wondering if they fall in love again? What do you think? ;)

Mikey-Just gonna make this clear now, I haven't forgotten about any of the characters that were involved in earlier chapters because they were still important! Anyway, Mikey wakes up pretty confused as to why he can't remember much of anything, but shrugs it off and continues on with his life. Don't worry, he definitely has a guardian angel looking after him with bright red hair and a smile because he's proud of how far his kid brother has come.

Ray-Ray is definitely still friends with Gerard throughout the story! He doesn't really approve of Frank sometimes, but overall he doesn't mind him because he makes Gerard happy. Ray does remain a field angel, but he does get a bit of an upgrade with a promotion to a nursing angel to other field angels who got wounded on the job.

Pete-Pete absolutely still picks on Gerard from time to time, I don't know why you thought he might stop. He really doesn't approve of Frank, but he can't do anything about it, so he tries not to be around him very much. How could he be? He spends so much time with his own boyfriend, Patrick. And yes, Pete is still a mailman.

Patrick-Patrick, being the smol bean that he is, was a bit nervous to start dating Pete, but only at first. He soon realised that he wouldn't be punished for it and he couldn't be happier to be with the man he loves.

Ryan-Ryan knew what he did when he told Frank to go to the cork tree. He knew Brendon would be angry with him, but he didn't care. He's a hopeless romantic and just wants everyone to experience love, even if someone says they can't. I'll let you draw your own conclusions as to why he wasn't there when Frank came back to his house.

Brendon-Brendon was beyond pissed off at Ryan. Why wouldn't he be? He'd just fixed everything to his liking and his boyfriend messed it up! He yelled at him and watched him cry angry tears. He never expected Ryan to yell back at him, but he did and for a good while. Ryan had so much pent up aggression in him, something Brendon hadn't seen before in a sweet little thing like him... and he loved it. In fact, he loved him. Brendon didn't want him to leave because he was so infatuated with this new side of Ryan he'd never seen, but Ryan insisted because he had to go make sure Frank was okay and that Frank saw that he was okay. What, you thought I killed Ryan off, didn't you? Exactly why would I kill a beam of sunshine?

Billie Joe-Billie Joe definitely remains a very popular and powerful demon, but he doesn't remain an permanent resource to Brendon because one day, his tie is loosened and falls off. He's free after thousands of years to just be himself and be powerful. He doesn't know for sure what made the tie come off, but he had a feeling a much more powerful friend of his has softened ever so slightly. He knows Brendon will always need him for something, but he is no longer under his complete control.

Lindsey-Lindsey becomes one of Gerard's best friends, second maybe to Ray. Only maybe. She keeps a good relationship with him while he keeps a good relationship with Bandit. Don't worry, Frank knows about Bandit and he's cool with her. Even after she decides to go with Gerard and kinda becomes his, as well. Gerard brings Bandit to see Lindsey often because even though she's his, she's also Lindsey's.

David Bowie-He continues to keep a watchful eye on all of his angels and archangels, especially a few in particular. Namely, Gerard, Lindsey, even Brendon and Frank. While Brendon still has a deep-seated hatred for his dad, David could never hate him, just strongly disagree with him at times.

And I believe that does it for the main set of characters! Onto to a couple questions! These are just things I asked myself while writing the later chapters but you guys are free to ask me things as well!

Why does Gerard's character seemingly get weaker as the story goes on? Well, I think I was trying really hard to play around with emotions for both the characters and the readers and while doing that, I think I neglected some of the character structures I'd built. I didn't mean to make Gerard seem really helpless and crying all the time and I hate that he probably appears that way, but my hope is that the story can be enjoyed nonetheless.

Why did some characters drop out of the story? It's kinda like when they kill off one-off characters in a TV show, they just weren't essential to the main plot. I tried to make sure most of characters made several appearances throughout the story so they wouldn't be forgotten, but ultimately, I just couldn't find a way to work them into the rest of the story without feeling like I shoehorned them in.

Why continue a story no one reads? Honestly? I'm not really upset that not a lot of people read this story or many of my stories. Some bigger authors might get kinda discouraged with an average of about 7-8 reads a chapter with the occasional vote, but eh. My stories are purely for my entertainment while writing them and if someone likes them enough to read, vote, or comment on them, then that's just the cherry on top.

Seemingly mean or menacing characters aren't that bad, what's up with that? Okay.. I'm not really a terribly mean person. If I was, then I'm sure Brendon and Billie Joe and early Frank would've been much more menacing, but I think out of the three of them, I did the best job with Billie Joe. He just seemed to stick out as the most ruthless character to me, even more so than Brendon, which is shocking and really bad because Brendon should be the best of the worst.

Fluctuating chapter lengths? Okay, I'm gonna say it. The first, like, 7-8 chapters? They suck and blow at the same time because this was my first Frerard fic and my first fic in a while when I started it. Honestly, I consider anyone who read past the first chapter a blessing because they didn't look right at it and say, "Wow, this sucks so the rest of the story must suck, too. Bye!" I think as I got better as a writer, my chapters got longer and better. At least I hope so. Almost 400 reads can't be for nothing, right?

Okay, unless there's anything else you all would like to ask me, A Fine Line has now officially ended. It was a wild ride, guys, and I'm glad you were here with me!

Don't let them take you alive, fren, and as always.. Keep running and I'll see you in my next fic!

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