Is Everyone Sad Right Now?

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"Clearly, asshole. Now, if you'll excuse me, I'm gonna go have a smoke. Or save your boyfriend from whatever hell you're putting him through, one of those."

"Or maybe.. you're gonna try and talk to that newly archangel ex of yours?"

Frank scoffed, "How many times do I have to say it for you to get it through those thick horns of yours? I broke up with him! I'm over him!"

"Are you? Or are you just trying not to admit it? Some kind of petty reason for breaking it off with him, I'm sure.."

"Fuck you, I did the right thing and you know it."

"I'm not saying you didn't, I'm just saying.. well, I don't even know how, but you've developed.." Brendon lightly lifted Frank's chin and frowned, "feelings."

"Crack a book, genius, humans tend to have them."

"Yes, dickweed, I'm fully aware. Humans have feelings. Whoop-dee-fuckin-doo. Those feelings tend to in the way of a lot of things because humans tend to over-analyse and think too much with their hearts, or whatever, not basic instinct."

Frank sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose, "What exactly is the point of all this?"

"You're dead, Frank! Finished with life, not breathing, you are no longer living! This has been a PSA, please return to your regularly scheduled programming. By programming, I mean.. well, literally programming. You're a demon, one of my demons, and there's a specific way I make my demons. You happen to be special, let's say. You only know the truth about everything because my dad couldn't keep one secret! Yeah, you weren't supposed to be a demon says him, but I knew you weren't supposed to be an angel."

"How was that even your decision anyway? You don't know me!"

Brendon rolled his eyes, "Oh, please, edgy tween of the month, I know all I need to know about everyone I need to know about. Anyway, you were doing great for a long while. Following orders and whatnot, then Gerard came along. I thought killing him would be a cakewalk for you since you wouldn't have remembered him anyway. Somehow, I was wrong and you got corrupted by whatever it is you once saw in him, completely and inadvertently dooming him in the process." He looked at Frank menacing, "Now. You could do a couple of things here, Frank. You could forget everything you've learned, everything you've heard from anyone that isn't me in the last couple of weeks, and things will simply go back to the way they were. Or.. You could go 'save' Ryan, crawl back to Gerard, and go about with your new knowledge."

"What's the catch?"

"The catch is both you and Gerard-no, let's add Ryan and make it a bit more interesting- will all cease to exist the moment you try to save both of them. Well, they'll disappear first. You will be the last to go. I assume this makes your choice rather easy, yes?"

"You would do that to your own boyfriend? What has he ever done to you, to anyone, that's worth him being killed? This is my mistake, he shouldn't have to pay for it."

"Don't you dare try to pity him with those tears in your eyes. Oh, look.." Brendon smirked and slowly wiped a tear that fell down Frank's cheek, "Looks like one slipped out." He roughly pushed Frank down to the floor, trapping him there, but not before wiping the tear on his leather jacket. "Don't let it happen again because you have exactly one minute to decide. Go."
"Lindsey, how long has it been?" Gerard was very antsy to go talk to Frank and try to piece things back together. Lindsey could tell since he asked for the time every few minutes.

"Five minutes since the last time you asked so that brings us to a grand total of.. half an hour."

"Sorry, I just need to talk to him."

"I know you do, just give him some time, Gerard."

"Time is not exactly something I have right now considering I have 30 seconds."

"Frank? What are you talking about?"

"As I said, I don't have a lot of time, Lindsey. I came to you mostly because I don't wanna see, well, I guess, listen to Gerard cry or try to help me cuz he can't. This is my mess."

"I'd hurry a little, you're down to like 20 seconds until something happens."

"Alright, alright. Since I probably won't ever get to say it while I mean it again, can you tell Gerard that.." Frank sighed, clearly choked up, "that I love him all over again? There isn't anyone, living or dead, that I could've loved more.. a-and.. that I'm sorry he loves me back. I never meant to hurt him as much as I did when I broke up with him or as much as I'm going to, and if he never forgives me.. I'll understand."

"I'll be sure to tell him, but what's going on?"

"Brendon's coming over to me.." Frank's voice was barely audible but he still sounded like he was about to cry, "please just tell Gerard I love him and don't try to save me-"

Gerard looked at Lindsey who was breathing shakily with a hand over her mouth and her eyes closed, "Lindsey? What's wrong? Why do you look so sad?"

"He wanted me to tell you.. he loves you, Gerard. And that he's sorry you love him back."

"What's happened to him?"

"Brendon has him. I don't know what he's gonna do to him or why, but-"

"I'm not gonna sit here and let Frank be Satan's plaything. He loves me, I love him, I'm not gonna let him go now."

"Gerard, he specifically told me to tell you not to try to save him."

"I can't just leave to probably die!"

"Frank's strong and smart. He won't go down that easily."

"I.. I love him, Lindsey.."

"I know, and he loves you. I think he always has, but he just needed to finally accept it. Now, c'mere." Lindsey cracked a small smile and pulled Gerard into a tight hug, "I promise you that you will see him again and that you'll be okay."

"What about him?"

"Frank is gonna be just fine, I know it."
"What did I say about crying in my presence, Frank Iero?"

"Whoa, first and last name?" Frank chuckled like he was fine as he wiped his eyes and sniffled, "You must really be pissed off at me."

"Royally. Times up, pretty boy. Hope you've decided or I decide for you, and we both know you wouldn't want that." Frank wouldn't look up at Brendon so he titled his chin up, "Look at me when I'm talking to you. Now, tell me what you've decided."

"Take it away, take it all away. But.."

"Buts weren't a part of the options."

"You will let Ryan go, unharmed, and you'll never lay a finger on Gerard and he won't ever be an assignment again."

"I'll never understand why you care about Ryan so much, but fine.." He snapped his fingers. "He's safe now."

"I care because someone has to, you obviously don't."

Brendon sighed,"You have no idea how I feel about Ryan. I certainly won't miss your constant questioning. Any last thoughts or words while you still have a free will of sorts."

"You were right.. I love Gerard.."

"Oh, please, I knew that, but now's not the time to brag about me. It's time for my favourite part. Finally, things will back to how they're supposed to be. Permanently."

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